originally posted in:The New Dojo
"...Huh. Fine, fine."
[i]I wasn't used to working with people at all. The closest I had gotten to someone here? Probably Athena, Alyssa, Ghiaccio...maybe Jack. But Athena and I are...well, more than friends, Alyssa was gone, Ghiaccio was still hurt badly, and Jack...Jack is just batshit crazy in general. So as the Ranger proceeded to follow me out as I exited the simulation of Cainhurst, I felt worried for quite a bit. I knew that he wanted to kill me over the other Ranger. How could I blame him? I had been vengeful, similar to him. It was just human nature, to inflict pain upon those that hurt or even killed those that one cared for.[/i]
"So..I trust that you won't put a bullet in the back of my skull. And I hope you know that I won't do the same, unless provoked to do so."
[i]I could've been free from all of my sins, my past. I just had to get this job done right...and bingo.[/i]
"Pretty damn good for your first time. Still, not good enough to get in First Recon. Remember, you can re-take the test any time." [b]I walk over, and tear the target down. I was impressed with her work, really good for her first time. I barely passed my test, first chance. I bring the target up to the wall, and write [i]Irina Eiliza[/i] on it, to mark the first try. I hand it to her.[/b]
"...I could've done much better. Maybe if I dedicated as much time as I do swordsmanship into sniping. But I'd hate to quit practicing melee and rely on range." [i]I took the paper, staring deeply into where the rounds had slammed through. It meant a lot to me, seeing this up close. It gave me much more room for me to improve my skills, get better at what I considered a hobby; combat.[/i]
"One more thing before ya go. If ya kill any Legion, bring me their ears. I'll pay you for them. I can sell stuff to ya too." [b]I had shit-tons of extra supplies. I had enough to sell some.[/b]
"Ears. Got it." [i]To be completely honest, I had collected worse that ears before. Try searching around in pools of the blood of Hunters you just murdered, while looking for things called Blood Dregs, which was basically bits of blood that had froze. Searching for the damn things paid off, in the end.[/i] "...Guess I'll see you around. Adios, Grant." [i]I chuckled, before leaving the simulation room quietly.[/i] [i](Fin. I'll probably RP in first-person when I'm with Grant now XD.)[/i]