OTHER companies like RockStar give free DLC's, vehicles, masks, weapons, etc etc all the time... FREE. Only bungies ripoff ass charges for every single tiny update and item. Its a fkn mmo/rp type game... supposed to be able to EARN rewards. even the fkn shirt from moments of triumph really wasnt a "reward", cause u had to pay for it lmfao fuk bungie and destiny 2... this one turned i to broken trash, god knows #2 will be... plus nothing but rude call of duty fanboy fuks anymore
Scrubs always wanna complain about everything.
This game can't be as horrible as your grammar. If you don't like the game, play something else and get off our forums. Have a nice day.
Bad trolling dude
You want a game where you earn your rewards? I have just the game for you! [spoiler]Its called Life. Get a job and go earn your rewards. [/spoiler]
Just wait bud soon rockstar will do the same thing
Dont buy them then. You know what I do when I don't want to buy something? That's right, I don't buy it.
Interesting point.
Yes gta gives you "free" cars and masks in dlc but they cost so much money you have to spend real money to get so it's not free most people are buying shark cards Open your eyes ignorant sheep Nothing is free
But they gave us 8 masks, 2 emblems, 4 shaders, a sparrow, cosmetics, and more.... for free... so IDKWTF you're talking about m8.
[quote]But they gave us 8 masks, 2 emblems, 4 shaders, a sparrow, cosmetics, and more.... for free... so IDKWTF you're talking about m8.[/quote] I thought the free masks are the same as last year? 2 emblems... Wow... I haven't seen the candlelight shader yet so I can't comment on that one but the other three are really similar to ones we already have. A limited time sparrow that will be taken away from us near the start of November. Single use cosmetics... Again, wow... What is this more you speak of? If you break it down, the only free gear we have for this year's event is 4 shaders and 2 emblems... It's really quite pitiful when you think about it considering the hype they were building and the amount of money people have sunk into the game already. :/
Edited by Exiled_Preest: 10/26/2016 9:48:29 PMClearly you've never played a single game owned or made by EA. In the regards to any dlc of any kind.
Its just bull shit with the rng. U should be able to choose ur shit.
But literally everything is cosmetic, so why does that matter to you? It doesn't prevent [b]you[/b] from progressing/getting better, it just makes your character look a bit cooler. I don't understand why this is a problem for some people. Sure, it'd be great if you got more than three free packages, but you already get some free masks and such. Stop whining.
You said, "I don't understand why this is a problem for some people, so stop whining". To anyone who "doesn't understand", it's literally because you're ignorant and should probably not comment on things you "don't understand". Ever hear of the quote, "A fool and his money soon shall part ways"?
Edited by pyre: 10/27/2016 1:20:53 PMThat response didn't make much sense. I couldn't tell whether you were agreeing with me or not... Could you clarify?
Special snowflake syndrome is real.
Looking cool is the point of an mmorpg, not getting boring armor for the sole purpose of getting 400 light and then never play the game again
You cannot wear the masks AND be 400 light buddy
Except that's when it becomes opinionated, because many people don't think that the end-game armor is boring.
I think you should read this. http://pureplaystation.com/gta-onlines-shark-cards-have-made-500000000/2016/04/
What do you mean "only"? [b]Most[/b] companies do this kind of stuff now.
GTA adds content that forces casual players to buy Shark Cards. I'm guessing they've made millions more on MTs than Destiny ever will.
[quote]GTA adds content that forces casual players to buy Shark Cards. [/quote] ...and Destiny adds content that forces Hardcore players to buy silver. At least in GTA you can earn your rewards and don't have to buy them.
Heh? What game mechanic forces you to buy silver? Is it the Hippy Drippy Dance strike? It must be the psychedelic psion strike that needs silver... hmmmm