But they gave us 8 masks, 2 emblems, 4 shaders, a sparrow, cosmetics, and more.... for free...
so IDKWTF you're talking about m8.
[quote]But they gave us 8 masks, 2 emblems, 4 shaders, a sparrow, cosmetics, and more.... for free... so IDKWTF you're talking about m8.[/quote] I thought the free masks are the same as last year? 2 emblems... Wow... I haven't seen the candlelight shader yet so I can't comment on that one but the other three are really similar to ones we already have. A limited time sparrow that will be taken away from us near the start of November. Single use cosmetics... Again, wow... What is this more you speak of? If you break it down, the only free gear we have for this year's event is 4 shaders and 2 emblems... It's really quite pitiful when you think about it considering the hype they were building and the amount of money people have sunk into the game already. :/