[b]Don't kill me, this is just my opinion.[/b]
So every time I go on the forums there's always someone telling Bungie to get rid of paid for content. Now first of all, the items you can buy for silver are all entirely cosmetic(except for the reputation boosters)and the lens artifacts/the armor from sterling treasures available last year only has 3 defense, which is lower than the gear you start with. So you can't get any advantage over other players by buying micro transactions. Secondly, people complaining about not getting what they wanted from Treasures of The Lost(mostly ghost shells, the sparrow and fire wolf mask). These items were never guaranteed but people are still blaming Bungie for not giving them what they wanted(although I can understand why you complain about it after paying like 50$). Third, silver dust. Why are you complaining about this? You can get silver dust from the radiant treasure you get for completing a heroic SIVA crisis strike once a week(I think they should be a reward from the weekly nightfall as well but that's just my opinion) and if you don't want the ornament you get you can dismantle it for 5 SD. The only other way to get it is to buy silver and use that for more radiant treasures, which is a total waste of your money. Lastly, everything. You realize it costs money to have people working on DLC/Destiny 2/Events like SRL or FoTL and keep the servers up, right? They had to add eververse or we wouldn't be able to play Destiny anymore. Besides, they haven't made it pay to win in any way whatsoever. Take GTA Online for example. They release new cars that do nothing different all the time and makes the game way easier for the people who buy micro transactions. In Destiny you can only get cosmetic stuff and emotes. See what I mean? Anyways, that's about it. Bye.
Edited by Jet Set Willy: 10/28/2016 1:04:15 AMI don't buy into 'eververse is needed for Bungie to work on Destiny 2.' The publisher (Activision) fronts the money for the next game in development and gets their money back plus a lot more after it's released. Maybe Eververse allows Bungie more creative freedom but I doubt it as that'll be set down in their contract with Activision. If Bungie were an independent studio publishing their own games then we would be supporting them directly, but they're not. Eververse is a cash cow, and Festival of the Lost looks like it's setup to milk it for all it can this year. Edit As an aside, I think microtransactions are needing renamed. It was appropriate when they were only a £1 or so but with the amounts that are set against some of them (in Destiny and other games) being as much as a new game the term doesn't fit any more.