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Edited by Beck: 10/30/2016 4:20:04 AM

Where's our micro paid content bungie?

Back when microtransactions were introduced we were told that the money earned by them would cover the cost of more events, content, ect. Rise of iron was only $5 cheaper than the year 1 season pass(which included The Dark Below & House of Wolves). Now the festival of the lost is back but unless you buy silver to buy packages and hope the rng doesn't -blam!- you over you keep practically nothing from this event. Where is this content that micros are paying for when this year's festival of the cost is one giant cash grab? Is Activision putting you guys up to this or has your company become a money hungry piece of trash like Activision? I'm also aware there's a good chance not a single bungie rep will dare to reply to this. Why tackle the real issues while so many are distracted by a -blam!-ing broom right? Edit: I'm seeing varying responses but for the most part it seems there are several community members that want an answer to this very important question. If by chance Cozmo or another bungie rep replies to this tread lets keep the toxic hate to a minimum please. Edit #2: Here is a link to Activisions shareholder report. Yes they have their fingers in several pots but they're recording record profits in the last quarter. Why is it such an issue to know what micros have paid for? $56 million for micros. Do you feel as if you got what you paid for? Edit #3: As per request here is a link to a article about when micros were first introduced. Amazing how far they come isn't it? Edit #4: How about standing by your words bungie?: [spoiler]“Our plan is to use these new items to bolster the service provided by our live team for another full year, as they grow and create more robust and engaging events that we’ll announce later this year,” Community Manager “DeeJ” rote. “It has been, and continues to be, our goal to deliver updates to the game. Going forward, our live team is also looking to grow beyond vital updates and improvements to focus on world events, experiences, and feature requests.” UPDATE: According to sources who came to Kotaku, Destiny’s future DLC plan entails free content updates, including additional quest lines and missions, trickled throughout the months leading up to Fall 2016 when Destiny 2 is expected to ship. That means no more paid expansions like The Dark Below, House of Wolves, or The Taken King until then.[/quote][/spoiler] [spoiler][quote][quote] This is all part of a new plan that could start as early as this month, according to two people familiar with Destiny’s development. Rather than sell big expansion packs like they did last year, Bungie is planning on giving out quests and missions for free, sources say. This will likely involve big drops every few months until the fall of 2016 but could also include trickles of smaller stuff throughout the year.[/quote][/quote][/spoiler] [spoiler][quote] [quote] that the revenue from these microtransactions would allow them to dole out free globs of content until “Destiny 2” comes out next fall. [/quote][/quote][/spoiler]

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  • They are rotten to the bone, players are livestock for Bungie, they prove it every day.

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    • They won't reply because there is no response that won't make them look bad, tell truth they admit to being money grabbing aresholes lie and it's found out even worse, but you're right.

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      • Very disappointing lack of content. This is first festival of the lost standards not after a year of microtransactions. No continuous goal. About an hour of content per character. And one modified and underpopulated gamemode. I was very happy with the number of free treasures and masks but there just wasn't enough to do. There should have been something for strikes, raiding, and at least all the consumables in the candy bags. One shader for strikes behind the awful key drop rate is annoying but at least something. Nothing for raiding. Nothing for pvp. Maybe give a boss mask as a chance from the activities. Then treasures are still desirable. This was just sadly more of a cosmetic rollout than an event.

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        • We wonder why Cosmo has a Ferrari with a number plate that reads thanks suckers.

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          3 Replies
          • Microtransactions and premium currency always lead to games in which the primary focus is on selling microtransactions and premium currency, NOT on making the best game experience possible. Every major update offers shiny new toys for sale, while bugs never get fixed, basic functionality never gets added, and gameplay gets more and more time-consuming and tedious. I blame Bunglevision and all the game companies that adopted a premium currency/microtransaction model, but I've reached the point where I place [b]most[/b] of the blame on gamers who shell out for that stuff. Think you're helping me by paying for my content? Hardly. I'd [i]much[/i] rather buy my games outright and not have to deal with this kind of bait-and-switch, sleight-of-hand nonsense. Thanks to microtransactions and premium currency, I can no longer find any new games worth playing. Besides, Destiny already costs a premium price and that free DLC still hasn't materialized. So quit pretending that you're helping me out. Yes, it's your money and you're allowed to spend it as you see fit, but by supporting this greedy practice, you're ensuring it won't stop. So if you buy microtransactions or premium currency, I blame YOU for what's happened to gaming. PS: The industry standard term for people who spend lots of money on premium currency is [i]whale[/i]. Which doesn't sound bad until you remember what whalers do to the whales they catch. Don't be a whale for these people.

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          • •Festival returned •Winter event •Possible rehashed raids That seems pretty free to me

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            5 Replies
            • They did, it's called Festival of the Cost. Where they create more things for you to buy for the event then actually earn in game. Wonder how they are going to micro SRL later this year. We going to have to pay for sponsoring our chosen factions through Eververse, or not be allowed to participate in it? Or the only allowed sparrows are purchased via Eververse. How badly are they going to make SRL into a big cash grab for their month vacations?

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              • Microtransactions did actually pay for "live" events. Do you think that Twitch studio was free???? Oh wait, you thought that meant actual game content....

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              • [quote]Destiny to introduce microtransactions and make future content drops free[/quote]

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                • Everyone's money did cover the cost of an event weren't you invited ???? [spoiler]Oh wait it was only for bungie workers, celebrating over micro transactions. [/spoiler]

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                  • Good post I would like a list

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                    • It's great to see that such a vast amount of people are aware of this problem. Just need to get more to vote with their wallets. Have also ran into a few mindless sheep but that's inevitable these days.

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                    • Always remember: Communication is a one way street. Bungie tells us what to expect and what to think. This forum is just here to give us a method to vent our frustration. It seems there is only one way out: Deinstallation

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                      • Agreed with you.!!!!

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                      • This Microtansaction timed event is your paid Microtansaction content. See all the hard work Bungievision put into ROI knowing they had a year and a half to creat it? A year-and-a-half pretty impressive huh? This is Destiny's future. If you are looking to play a game that has actual content that expands the game. Destiny will never be that game so you might as well look for another. But if you don't mind cut content, reskind weapons to be resold and a change of scenery in the same area's you've been playing for the last couple years. Plus the bonus of only getting a quarter of expansion for the price of 2. Then Destiny is your game. Just know this. Microtansactions are the future content of this game. So expect more timed events but not as often a some would like.

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                        2 Replies
                        • [quote] This is all part of a new plan that could start as early as this month, according to two people familiar with Destiny’s development. Rather than sell big expansion packs like they did last year, Bungie is planning on giving out quests and missions for free, sources say. This will likely involve big drops every few months until the fall of 2016 but could also include trickles of smaller stuff throughout the year.[/quote]

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                          4 Replies
                          • Let's get this trending I don't think the taken spring was worth 56 mil bungie stop lying constantly you are pushing away the few loyal fans you have left

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                            • Do you have a link ? a source about "Back when microtransactions were introduced we were told that the money earned by them would cover the cost of more events, content, ect."

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                              9 Replies
                              • [quote]keep the toxic hate to a minimum.[/quote] [b]LOL[/b] You never had to pay for it, so why complain?

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                                34 Replies
                                • Ya, i posted something like this awhile ago, and got 3 comments. Lol

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                                  • The april update...

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                                    4 Replies
                                    • Edited by WINTER PROPHET: 10/28/2016 9:09:53 PM
                                      They actually won't reply, as they expect you to know everything they've said and done so they don't have to explain anything. It's why I'm including links. They contain your answer my friend. 👍🏻 Despite the great intentions to have Destinys Microtransactionated Funding of future DLC/s to happen which of course a lot of community got behind to support... DEREK CARROL, a member of Bungies highest inner circle of decision making (also known as "D.estitute of I.ntelligence C.laiming to be K.nowledgeable S.hills") announced a while ago that "all the money put into those microtransactions will not fund DLCs". And they will just keep it. Fast Forward and play at 9min45seconds Which makes sense.... since Derek Carrol is ALSO the Bungie developer who took it personal that Destiny Community was asking him to add Matchmaking, as "Derek Carrol", once again... a member of Bungies highest inner circle of decision making (still known as "D.estitute of I.ntelligence C.laiming to be K.nowledgeable S.hills") got fed up with the community asking him for matchmaking, and announced live on twitch that he believed we were asking him to "find us friends" so he could feel empowered in denying communitys request for matchmaking AND imply the community has no friends, when in fact the community was asking Bungie to "find us players for in game activity/ies". Derek Carrol at 1m40sec So, as you can see, Bungies inner Circle of decision makers, although very small, stands strong in the winds of change. No microtransaction funded DLC was had this day... Ever.

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                                      15 Replies
                                      • Microtransactions were to pay for events like Festival of the Lost where you have to pay even more to participate. Wait wut? Good game Bungie, good game.

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                                        • Edited by ImmaDumbazz: 10/28/2016 1:41:47 PM
                                          Festival was the exact same last year dude. People forget so easily. Fyi u get umlimited candy bags, a free sparrow, 4 shaders, couple emblems, and 3 chests. Is that a lot? Idk? Depends on ur point of view. Destiny has microtransactions and its here to stay. Yeah it sucks but u have to come to terms with it. They arent gonna change it. Dont spend your money on it. Are u really that butthurt u dont have a flaming wolf mask or ghost ghost?

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                                          9 Replies
                                          • The festival is such a disappointment. So much potential, yet nothing behind the purple candles and music. When the coolest thing I got from the Festival is the ability to change my respawn for 2 hours shows how limited this is.

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                                            2 Replies
                                            • My problem is this event this year is pointless as hell I've made 2 videos an commented on briar an tefty teft videos here my issue. 1 bungie hypes this event up with a trailer an showing all great loot u can get which is locked behind a pay wall while yes u can earn up to 3 free boxes not everybody has 3 guardians on destiny an plus the boxes are rng based anyway. 2. The candy bags this year are pointless an don't let u obtain the masks like they did last year or even the new consumables. U get a shader an 2 old things. why not add the new masks an consumables to the bags when u fill them up?. it even says on the bag 2016 festivals of lost so why we get 2015 stuff. 3. The quests were the exact same as last year aside from one an u couldn't even wear new masks on missions aside from 1. how does bungie expect this event to last 2 weeks when it's dead within 2 days?. They said it was bigger an better this year but yet only thing bigger an better is people's wallets an how much they spend. 4. Even Eva selling masks they don't rotate it's the same ones each day. Bungie needs learn to balance this have ppl pay with there play time.not there wallet. an have them earn the loot an grind for it the players who enjoy your game. 5. All bungie has to do is Tues on reset add the 6 new consumables to the candy satchel bags an the new masks. then add the ghost shells an new sparrow In pvp drops as reward like they did with the shader. All in all yes we got new shaders an cool sparrow which Is going away but it's just decorations for 2 weeks that's it I agree with u an maybe on reset bungie will fix this it's not a good way am hope u unknown player more console make videos about It

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