"Its nice to meet you Quincy"says nanos [i]he looks at while he start fishing through a bag that he has with him pulling out gauze and what not. [/i] "He a featherfolk he's from the same that we come from"says kimi [i]keira is grumbling at nanos when touches her shoulder thats injured jerking slightly.[/i] "Hold still please Keira "says nanos
*i sit on a rock, combing through the fur on my legs trying to pick out little hitch hikers (those annoying plants that give off prickly seeds. the seeds are the hitch hikers)*
[i]keira holds still as she can as nanos dresses a lot her wounds on but some of them require nanos to stitch her up. Which makes her grumble cause it smarts. But its not long before heis finished then he gets up and starts working on kimi but she more fussy than her sister. But she holds still even though it hurts.[/i] "Almost done kimi please hold still"says nanos "It hurts "says kimi "Well just hold still it will go faster that way"says nanos
uhm, i may have a way to numb the pain. *i finish picking out the last of the hitchhikers and stand, waiting to see if my comment is paid attention to*
"Oh you do"says nanos [i]kimi flinches when nanos starts looking at her shoulder she grumbles at him.[/i] "Ouch "says kimi
Yeah, its a sedative i made on my way to the Dojo. i used some on my leg after an.. incident.. but i still have some left. *i dig through a leather pouch on my waist*
"Okay that might help because she isn't really cooperating "says nanos "Its hurts though"says kimi "Well of course it does but you really need to hold still damn it"says Keira [i]Keira is watching her she is all bandaged up and she just watches her sister figdet then fuss more.[/i]
*i take out a small clear flask with a cyan liquid in it. the flask is half empty* Ok, here it is. Only a little should be needed though. I only used half because i was in a rush. Couldnt use my leg for two days.
"Alright you might just help give to since you know how to use it"says nanos [i]kimi is watching but she doesn't say anything.[/i]