I want to start a conversation about the currency loop, and therefore gameplay loops, that are being wasted in the game and what better place to start than the legendary marks.
As it stands Legendary marks is pretty much worthless for most of the players. It seems a lot of us spend our time capped on marks and so we fill up our vaults with planetary resources we don't really need and that is the cycle of marks. Quite anti-climatic for something that was supposed to be an end game currency. Yes like all the others, but alas, that is a discussion for another place and another time.
So back to the subject at hand. There are a couple of other places we can use our legendary marks. Primarily weapons and armors from the faction vendors. Now with the exception of a few good rolls most of those are pretty worthless and chances are you can get better, or already have, from random rolls. So while these offer you a place to throw away your marks right after an expansion, there is nearly no reasons to come back for seconds.
A solution to this, and what I personally would like to see happen, would be to let the vendors restock their offerings again. To be frank I cannot fathom the reasoning behind Bungie removing this feature in the first place, but alas I was not part of that decision so I cannot really say either way. What I can do, is argue for how such a simple change can have a positive effect on parts of destiny's gameplay loop.
Destiny is a Loot grinder. Yes it is an FPS. Yes it is an RPG. Yes it is a PVP game. However more than all of those it is a loot grinder, very much built in the veins of the Diablo formula. The point I am trying to make is that no matter what activity you choose to participate in while you are playing destiny, the end goal will almost always be about loot. Maybe you are still trying to increase your overall Light Level, maybe you want to get that strike specific shotgun or you are trying to make it to the lighthouse to get that cool sniper rifle. All these activities might be different in many ways, but they all have that one core thing in common.
I personally think a weekly restock would make so many aspects of this game more interesting. First and foremost being, it would give your legendary marks a purpose again. Which in effect would make other weekly resets, like the daily heroic story mission etc., worthwhile again. Maybe there are dull weeks with nothing worthwhile, but then maybe some weeks have many good rolls and people would have to decide where they felt their marks where best spent. The most apparent effect of this is it would make people's weekly gameplay loops more worthwhile.
Further more it would have the potential to make the pvp meta a bit more dynamic and with a lot less curvature. Lets get into this one a little bit.
So since ROI the only vendor weapon to really affect the meta in any real way is probably the Palindrome. Yes the Crucible quartermaster has a great role on The Palindrome. Which is great for all of us that never managed to get a good roll on the Eyasluna. Now the Palindrome probably hasn't had the same effect on the meta as the inclusion of the Matador 64, but it's safe to say that you are more likely to see someone using the palindrome than you are to not see one. All of that is fine, it is not like the Palindrome is a godly weapon that cannot be countered. However lets say a month later, another good roll comes up on one of the vendors. Something that could compete with the palindrome. Surely we would see a lot of those around too, but not everyone that got the palindrome would want to change over to a different weapon. And suddenly we see a meta that has the potential to change more dynamically.
I am sure I could get into more detail as to the effects I think this simple change would create, but I would like to see the discussion started before this turns into too much text.
Do you think vendors should have a restock day? If so why? If not why?
How many days do you think there should be between each restock day? a week? a month? and why?
These are things I am interested in knowing and discussing. I doubt Bungie would listen to my, or even our, voice(s). Yet I still think it's a discussion worth having.
Let us have at it.
Edited by Affest: 10/29/2016 10:19:43 AMFor the love of god, finally someone posts about this. What good does it do the community, having a static set of stock for entire DLC's?! Seriously its a god damn joke and it makes zero sense. Weekly resets on guns and daily resets on armor and mat donation type would be great imo. Edit; I also strongly support the idea of having one of EACH AND EVERY WEAPON TYPE available at each of the three major factions, + the vanguard and crucible vendors. I still have the 3 OG scout rifles that New Monarchy, Dead Orbit, and Future War Cult sold on day 1. But New Monarchy has not had a new scout since TDB. And it really bugs me.