So I want to spice things up in DS3, and I need ideas for a challenge run. And not something insanely hard like no weapons or no bonfire.
Bows only.
Dagger only run. I loved doing it
Edited by Venatria: 10/30/2016 12:28:07 PMFat roll run. Soul level 1 run. Dagger run. Soul level one dagger fat roll run. They're a challenge. Not a boring challenge.
You must play at 70%+ equip load and no shield.
Max your sl at around 45 and beat the game not going any higher, highest weapon +3, shields only, daggers only, or demon fists only? I'm sure doing any of those would make it a bit challenging. Or maybe even dump all your points into only one stat? Not sure if that'd make it easier or harder in the long run..
Broken sword run.
SL 1 dagger only ;)
Full Havel gear at lvl 30, no dodging or healing. Be the rock we need you to be.
Stay above the weight limit for the entire game.
No shield.