originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][u]Dojoville Pavilion, Midnight[/u][/b]
[b]There were brisk steps as the small figure rounded the corner, sweat beating from her forehead as she gasped for air... Everything ached... Everything burned... Her lungs tore and writhed as she gasped for air. Her black hair clung to her head as the rain beat down...[/b]
[b]She pushed against the bodies of people, tripping them and causing them to stumble, some even cursing as she ran... Such a small child clearly didn't belong... [/b]
[b]She wanted to stop and just give in... But she knew what was waiting for her if she did... [/b]
[i]"Target moving towards cafe... Stay on approach..."[/i]
[b]Five... Five figures sprinting across the courts, plowing through people and running across roofs as they moved in pursuit of their target, their red mechanical eyes bearing murderous intent... Their lithe bodies snaked through the crowded night streets in quick succession, intent on their target...[/b]
[b]Each one was well armed, four blades, stealth combat gear, rifle, and two handguns... The perfect team for hunting a dangerous girl...[/b]
[b]One swerved and slammed into a strange blue being before continuing towards the sim room, another melding into the rain as his cloak engaged, another pushing towards the open crowds, the other two taking to the roofs once more...[/b]
[b]She could feel her strength waning as she cut a corner, the tears streaming freely now, but no sobs escaping her... Not that you could tell in the onslaught of water...[/b]
[i]"Hey you!"[/i]
[b]No. Don't stop...[/b]
[i]"Hey! Why are you running?!"[/i]
[b]They were close.[/b]
[b]One, two, one, two... They could see her now. Bright orange sweater and pink skirt... Small shoes, and bright blue eyes.[/b]
[b]One pulled his rifle and took aim, the silenced shot slamming into the back of her leg.[/b]
[b]She fell, head hitting the ground with hard thud, her eyes flashing a dazzling purple for a mere second before she whimpered and stumbled back to her feet. [/b]
[b]Funny how survival could make pain vanish...[/b]
[b]She limped, limped as fast as she could into the back entrance of the closest building, a bar.[/b]
[b]She stumbled through the spotless kitchen, coating the tiled floors with mud, water, and blood...[/b]
[b]She quickly found a food cabinet and slipped inside, pulling her knees close as tears streamed down her red cheeks... Blood pulsed in her head and her lungs burned...[/b]
[b]They had seen her go in... They had seen her...[/b]
[b]Suddenly the doors swung open and a large man with an apron stared down at her, at first in anger, and then in shock. He had never seen a shivering, bleeding child with eyes full of fear. He quickly ran a hand across his shiny, sweat covered bald head.[/b]
[i]"Hey... It's okay... I won't hurt you. Just tell me what's goin-"[/i]
[b]And then in an instant, his eyes rolled back into his head as his blood sprayed across her, the black knife in his neck twisting until his life was snuffed out.[/b]
[b]And then... She screamed... She screamed with a newly invigorated power, her eyes clamping shut, turning puffy and red... They were here... They had found her...[/b]
[b]The scream carried throughout the Dojo courts, a scream for help, as the bar filled with the sound of gunfire. People tried to flee as the five assassins open fired on all the patrons and cleared the building, returning to the girl hidden away like a cornered mouse, aiming their guns at her as her cries for help pierced the night air.[/b]
[i] Lilah smiled and walked up the stairs behind her, heading down a hallway that was decorated with, you guessed it, more paintings of hers. They come to a door, one of about four on the hall, as Lilah opens it. It was interesting, definitely a room Lilah had done herself. There were lots of colors, from the walls which had a dozen different colors on them..they looked like she'd taken a paint brush and spattered every inch of the walls with a different color each time. There was a large bed and several dressers and nightstands, along with endtables. The door to her very own bathroom was bright green of all colors, the sheets baby blue, pillows bright pink, curtains were scarlet, it looked like a unicorn had thrown up in there.[/i] "Hope you don't mind the ridiculous colors. I kinda like outlandish-ness." [i] She says with a sheepish smile.[/i] "There's a simpler one down the hall if you'd like."
[i]"No... This is fine. Thank you. I hope to repay your kindness one day..."[/i] [b]She gives a meek smile, her eyes flashing with a dazzling violet before fading back into the baby blue pools they were before.[/b] [i]"I'll make sure to stay quiet... And keep out of the way. It's easier not to be loud..."[/i]
Edited by Will: 11/14/2016 6:55:10 AM"You don't have to pay me back for anything." [i] She says with a grin.[/i] "And be as loud as you want, ask me for anything and everything if you need it. You won't be in my way, I promise." [i] She says with a smile.[/i] "I'll make sure to get you some more clothes soon too. Until then, feel free to explore the house. There's a game room downstairs, tv's in every room, I've got animals out back," [i] She waves her hands.[/i] "Do anything you'd like, and come to me with questions." [i] She certainly was an energetic, If not confusing and somewhat scattered person.[/i]
[i]"I'll think of something... But for now... I'm going to try to sleep..."[/i] [b]Vanille's smile widened slightly at the mention of sleep. She hadn't slept in a while... And she was beginning to feel the burn of exhaustion... The horrible burn... She had only really noticed when she had tried to draw... A sense of fatigue that she hadn't felt before...[/b] [i]"If... That's okay..."[/i]
"Of course it's okay!" [i] She says with a grin.[/i] "Sleep all day and night if you want. Here, there is almost nothing you can't do." [i] She pauses.[/i] "Well, don't burn the house down. That's the only rule." [i] She says, nodding as if affirming her own statement. [/i]
[i]"No burning... Good thing I don't have fire..."[/i] [b]She said simply, not really meant as a joke. She looked back at the colored room, not sure if she should take the first step inside or not. It was like it was all too good to be true.[/b] [b]Eventually her hesitation gave way to her exhaustion and she made her way into the room, slowly climbing up onto the bed, pressing her hands down on the soft mattress as a small smile passed her lips... This was certainly a dream... But a real dream...[/b] [b]Vanille quickly sank into the bed, not bothering to take off her shoes or to pull on some blankets, out like alight almost immediately... Formalities could coke after sleep.[/b]
[i] Lilah smiles and eases the door shut after walking out, off to find the girl some clothes. Once the door shuts, her form explodes in a dazzling show of light, like shattering colored glass of a dozen colors. The complete opposite of her brother..[/i] (End.)
Edited by ookshmook: 10/30/2016 7:11:24 AM(The bullets hit... something in the air. A small shimmer, circular. Suddenly there was a later shimmer and a man https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=planetside+2+infiltrator&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=vin&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiAseTR-4HQAhVKKcAKHYHTDXIQ_AUICCgC&biw=360&bih=559#imgrc=i9audnb40KeC_M%3A appeared raising a circular shield, blocking the fire. His voice had a synthetic edge and the traces of an Arabic accent.) "You just made a big mistake" ((He pulled out a small sidearm https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=planetside+2+vanu+sidearm&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=ivsn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi41vWf_IHQAhXCAMAKHd9ZARwQ_AUIBygB#imgrc=7XwbHcEhkcWnhM%3A and fired stunning shots at the men)
[b]The men chuckle as they raise their left arms, each igniting with a hard light shield to deflect the shots... Seemed stun rounds wouldn't exactly just... 'Fix' the situation.[/b] [i]"We got a hero, boys... Light him up."[/i] [b]In a flurry of suppressed rounds, each fired a hailstorm of standard copper bullets at the man.[/b]
(The man raised his shield again, it seeming to be reinforced with something not found in many weapons stores. As he crouched down, a small triangle slid out of his wrist)
[b]The men quickly retreated, knocking over tables and hiding behind the bar counter as they reloaded their guns and turned on their cloaks, muffling their steps as they took hidden positions around the room...[/b]
" athnyn ymkn 'an taleab tilk alllueba (Two can play that game)" (Suddenly, one of the men was dragged towards the wall)
[b]The man let's out a yelp and opens gifts in all directions, thrusters on his back blasting to life as he tried to resist the tugging, slowing the pulling sensation but not completely abating it.[/b]
(Suddenly, the pulling stops, and an unseen incendiary round hits him, igniting [i] all[/i] his fuel)
[b]The smell of kerosine ignited in the air briefly before the blood exploded across the room followed by violent flames.[/b] [b]The men gathered their wits as the building began to ignite, one stopping to grab the girl as they rushed out the back exit, taking the chance to flee as a wall of flame began to separate them from their attacker.[/b]
" lays alyawm" (Not today) (The man fired a stun from his sniper at the man with the girl, raised his wrist, and fired his grapple at the girl, and tugged up and reeled her in, getting her over to his side a split second before the flames) [spoiler]and no, the acceleration wasn't enough to kill her [/spoiler]
[b]The girl was barely awake, consciousness fading from her body as man rushed in from behind as his comrades returned from the front.[/b] [b]In a quick motion, he drew two blades, thin and long like a rapier, but with a flattened blade for cutting, and barbed end. He dashed forward and swung out his blade towards the man, as the other three began to love high explosive grenades as the shield.[/b]
(The man runner towards him, hands glowing blue, blocked the first blow, and before the second could hit him, roundhouse kicked him while simultaneously using his blast jump assistors on that foot, sending him flying at high speed into his high explosive friends)
[b]Before the kick could connect, the man lifted his arm as his shielding absorbed the kick, deflecting it... Meanwhile, the grenades had already exploded and the other three were now scaling around the shielding to assist their ally, pulling magnums on the man as their friend back stepped to do the same.[/b]
(The man had an idea, and retreated back, and raised his shield)
[b]The group held their fire and moved slowly back from the building, which was slowly crumbling... It'd collapse on the girl and man eventually, making their work easier...[/b] [i]"Keep targets inside. We'll bring it down on them."[/i]
(The man smiles inside his suit. He turns back to the barely concious girl, and after they leave he speaks) "Don't worry. Everything will be alright."
Edited by Chesh I Guess: 10/30/2016 10:01:15 PM[b]The girl made no motion, no noise, her eyes barely open. She was bleeding from the gash on her forehead, and the bullet hole in her leg... She was just hanging onto consciousness by a mere thread...[/b]
Edited by ookshmook: 10/30/2016 9:32:33 PM[spoiler]no, I'm referring to the soldiers leaving[/spoiler] (The man applied pressure the the wound)
[spoiler]My bad. Fixed last reply.[/spoiler] [b]The group recircled the building and began launching explosives to bring it down, causing the bar to rumble and shift.[/b]