originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b][u]Dojoville Pavilion, Midnight[/u][/b]
[b]There were brisk steps as the small figure rounded the corner, sweat beating from her forehead as she gasped for air... Everything ached... Everything burned... Her lungs tore and writhed as she gasped for air. Her black hair clung to her head as the rain beat down...[/b]
[b]She pushed against the bodies of people, tripping them and causing them to stumble, some even cursing as she ran... Such a small child clearly didn't belong... [/b]
[b]She wanted to stop and just give in... But she knew what was waiting for her if she did... [/b]
[i]"Target moving towards cafe... Stay on approach..."[/i]
[b]Five... Five figures sprinting across the courts, plowing through people and running across roofs as they moved in pursuit of their target, their red mechanical eyes bearing murderous intent... Their lithe bodies snaked through the crowded night streets in quick succession, intent on their target...[/b]
[b]Each one was well armed, four blades, stealth combat gear, rifle, and two handguns... The perfect team for hunting a dangerous girl...[/b]
[b]One swerved and slammed into a strange blue being before continuing towards the sim room, another melding into the rain as his cloak engaged, another pushing towards the open crowds, the other two taking to the roofs once more...[/b]
[b]She could feel her strength waning as she cut a corner, the tears streaming freely now, but no sobs escaping her... Not that you could tell in the onslaught of water...[/b]
[i]"Hey you!"[/i]
[b]No. Don't stop...[/b]
[i]"Hey! Why are you running?!"[/i]
[b]They were close.[/b]
[b]One, two, one, two... They could see her now. Bright orange sweater and pink skirt... Small shoes, and bright blue eyes.[/b]
[b]One pulled his rifle and took aim, the silenced shot slamming into the back of her leg.[/b]
[b]She fell, head hitting the ground with hard thud, her eyes flashing a dazzling purple for a mere second before she whimpered and stumbled back to her feet. [/b]
[b]Funny how survival could make pain vanish...[/b]
[b]She limped, limped as fast as she could into the back entrance of the closest building, a bar.[/b]
[b]She stumbled through the spotless kitchen, coating the tiled floors with mud, water, and blood...[/b]
[b]She quickly found a food cabinet and slipped inside, pulling her knees close as tears streamed down her red cheeks... Blood pulsed in her head and her lungs burned...[/b]
[b]They had seen her go in... They had seen her...[/b]
[b]Suddenly the doors swung open and a large man with an apron stared down at her, at first in anger, and then in shock. He had never seen a shivering, bleeding child with eyes full of fear. He quickly ran a hand across his shiny, sweat covered bald head.[/b]
[i]"Hey... It's okay... I won't hurt you. Just tell me what's goin-"[/i]
[b]And then in an instant, his eyes rolled back into his head as his blood sprayed across her, the black knife in his neck twisting until his life was snuffed out.[/b]
[b]And then... She screamed... She screamed with a newly invigorated power, her eyes clamping shut, turning puffy and red... They were here... They had found her...[/b]
[b]The scream carried throughout the Dojo courts, a scream for help, as the bar filled with the sound of gunfire. People tried to flee as the five assassins open fired on all the patrons and cleared the building, returning to the girl hidden away like a cornered mouse, aiming their guns at her as her cries for help pierced the night air.[/b]
I'm not worried about myself. I've got enough armor. [i]He rapped his knuckles on his chestplate. Looking to the doctors, he gestured towards the vehicle.[/i] Ride's here. Let's load up and move, we don't have a lot of time.
[b]There were about six medical staff and eight patients in total. The head doctor, the woman with brown eyes, took the farthest seat near the patients which were laid out on the floor carefully. The rest of the staff took seats and tended to the wounded as Damien sat a mostly conscious but bruised man in the seat next to him as he revved up the engine.[/b] [i]"Alright... Wolfe, slide up to the blanket canon and we can take off... It's rubber rounds so anything that tries harming the tank can get a face full of 'nopes'. Everyone else... Get ready in case we have to leave the vehicle."[/i] [b]Damien shoved his equipment into a small cabinet near the front seat, clicked on some switches overhead and turned off his music, making sure everyone was ready to go.[/b]
Rubber bullets for the guys shooting at us with real ones. Got it. [i]Surprising to hear a bit of humor from Wolfe, albeit dry. Climbing into the cannon, he chambered a round in the weapon and waited for the vehicle to go.[/i]
[b]Damien understood the humor, it was his style too... But he knew that real bullets wouldn't eat past the vehicles outer layer... And the 60 mm blanket canon was perfectly outfitted with an actual rubbed bullet dispenser... Probably because a rubber 60 mm would possibly be lethal too... So Damien had installed an automatic rubber .44 dispenser... It would be enough.[/b] [i]"Moving... Now!"[/i] [b]And with that, the tank pushed forward as the gun swiveled upwards, carrying Wolfe to the top with a thud... But the tank ran surprisingly smooth, like a cloud on the air... It was going to be a mostly safe ride... Right?[/b] [b]Nope. They had only been on the road for about ten minutes before a crowd started to swarm the tank, an angry mob that was armed with baseball bats and wrenches, angrily shouting and banging against the tank... Damien couldn't exactly run the people over... Do movement ground to a halt...[/b] [i]"Fūck... Too many in the streets..."[/i] [b]He called out from his seat, as a pole collided with the window and caused the bullet proof glass to wobble.[/b]
[i]Wolfe swung the gun downwards and depressed the trigger, the rubber rounds slamming into the crowd. Maneuvering the weapon with one hand, he reached for a grenade on his bandolier, one that was cylindrical in shape. Continuing to fire, he shouted to Damien.[/i] This thing sealed against chemicals? I can try tear gas on these people, should drive them back, but I don't want to get anyone in here.
[i]"Yeah... Leak resistant and outside force resistant... But you may want to chuck it and shut the gun hatch... Just to be safe."[/i] [b]Damien began to honk, the tank letting off a low rumble as he revved the engine... Nothing worked. Some dispersed from the rounds, others... Not so much.[/b] [i]"Fūcking hell... These people are asking to get mind rāped."[/i]
Hell with it. [i]Wolfe popped the first and tossed it into the crowd, then popped a second, tossing it out as well, although in a different place. Quickly, he retreated down the hatch and into the tank.[/i]
[b]The hatch slammed shut behind him, the gun swiveling down and anchoring into a spot where someone with the willpower to climb the tank, could not fire it.[/b] [b]The crowd seemed to shuffle outside as Damien slowly moved the vehicle forward, one hand on the wheel, one hand on the stick, slowly pushing up...[/b] [i]"Can't tell through the gas... But..."[/i] [b]Then gunfire, bullets rattling against the vehicle as the crowds suddenly became panicked and hostile... Tear gas or not... Damien was going to start pushing forward.[/b] [b]He began to move faster, the thuds and bangs against the hull coming steadily...[/b] [i]"I am going to supercharge the batteries and send the shock through the magnetic core of the tank... Essentially a taser wave... But... I've got one shot... Better hold on to something, this may rock the vehicle..."[/i]
[i]Wolfe braced himself against a handrail in the turret.[/i] Go for it. [i]He said, hoping that everyone else had made a move to grab something sturdy nearby.[/i]
[b]A monstrous rumble shook the tank and jerked everyone inside as the sound of electricity ran through the underside of the vehicle as screams erupted outside.[/b] [b]Then in one more motion, the tank revved up and Damien punched the gas, accelerating as fast as he could.[/b]
[i]Wolfe held fast, getting jarred a bit, but being generally ok. Hearing the vehicle speed up, he relaxed slightly as they were hopefully exiting the crowd.[/i]
[i]"Clear!"[/i] [b]Damien shouted back, a sigh crossing the compartment as the tank began to speed up. They were in the clear for now...[/b]
[i]Wolfe remained in the turret, hoping that they were out of the mess for now.[/i]
[b]Some minutes of silence passed before the tank came to a halt, Damien sliding the back door open, his escape from the driving seat silent.[/b] [i]"We're here... Let's get the wounded inside."[/i] [b]He motioned slightly to the large hospital, people already running to help transport the people.[/b]
[i]Wolfe slid down from the turret, landing softly on the floor of the vehicle, and waiting for the doctors and medics to escort everyone out of the vehicle.[/i]
[b]Didn't take long for the medical staff to move everyone safely to the right places... Damien however, had long since returned to the driver's seat, merely watching them as they transported those on cots to the emergency building.[/b] [i]"Another cold day in hell..."[/i] [b]He mumbled to himself, watching the small girl with black hair disappear through the doors... Yet another... More people to come and go with an oddity about them.[/b] [b]He sighed as he looked towards the lower area where the riots were still taking place. The unrest wouldn't be down for awhile at this rate, but he could always take the long way home...[/b] [i]"Hey, Snipes, you need a ride? I think they are good. You've done your part."[/i]
((Cowboy, stoner, general, hawk or none. Who would you prefer to deal with?))
[spoiler]Probably the cowboy or general. :P[/spoiler]
[b]It didn't take long for the guards to spring into action. Within moments, there were dozens of dojo guards moving in at once, weapons raised. They entered through the back and front, the ones entering from the back opening fire immediately at the Assassins[/b]
[b]The assassins used tables and counters as cover, only one falling to the oncoming fire, blood shattering across the floorboards as he fell to his death.[/b] [b]The other four returned fire, their FMJ bullpup rifles returning sustained fire as they unloaded their clips at the guards.[/b] [i]"Shit... Security. I need poppers."[/i] [b]Seconds later, two of the mercs threw grenades, two at each entrance, trying to kill guards at choke points.[/b]
[b]The explosions kill several of them, which are quickly replaced. The men coming in from the front take cover, as do the men in the back. [/b]
[i]"Fūck, we are pinned down... Call in the hind!"[/i] [b]The group continued to stay in cover, defending their position as more poured in. They wouldn't hold out forever...[/b]
"GRENADA!" [b]A grenade flies through the bar, and explodes as soon as it touches the floor [/b]
[b]The grenade caught the foot of one of the attackers, sending blood scattering across the floor boards as it separated from the rest of his body.[/b] [i]"Dammit!"[/i] [b]The man screamed as he pulled a satchel charge from his belt and launched it towards the back entrance... They'd bury themselves if they had too.[/b] [b]In a brisk click, the charge unwound and burned to life creating an instant inferno and explosion, blowing a hole near the back entrance before the side of the building collapsed.[/b]
[i]"Move back!"[/i] [b]The soldiers towards the back pulled out as the building collapsed, leaving only the front entrance the only way in. Or out. There's a sudden explosion, and the roof caves in above the kitchen as soldiers repel inside [/b]