"Well to be honest the reason why i didn't come was to due to fact the type dragon i am greatly differs my sister unlike them i can't breathe fire i breath lightening im a electric type dragon. i can absorb dangerous amounts of electricity both natural and man made. which makes it dangerous for me to be around certain things but im much better now. But before i couldn't so much as even touch anyone without the threat of hurting them. "Says lola
"Yeah i had her placed in a secure facility but when went to visit her royal followed me there. I was visiting her when i forgot about not touching her and i got launched backwards across the hall into a pillar by accident then royal appeared out the shadows. He dragged her in to a portal taking her somewhere but he brought her back a few minutes later. He did something to suppress that ability for a little bit"says hovark
"Yeah he was somehow able to pull out all the electricity that was currently stored within my body and it was lot cause he had all of it swirling around inside of a huge mass of shadows"says lola
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