originally posted in:The New Dojo
"Why so... Odd?"
[b]She walks up to him, circling him once. Twice. The stopping and staring at him [/b]
"Because I am a sentient force controlling reality warping particles to stop an omnipresent spacetime rupture. "
Edited by Royal Blade: 11/1/2016 10:32:13 AM"Quite the logical assumption. Unfortunately that's not what you really are. Eh? Your particles. Much to spread out to actually Control them."
"Ah. You're the only person in the dojo who's ever pointed that out. And quite true. I do not control all enderparticles. Indeed, that would lead me to hit my entropic limit in seconds. I am actually simply a dampener on them. A sentient dampener, capable of controlling In what way I dampen them."
"None of these members quite understand. But I do. Quite the example I'm setting here."
"Quite. But I have one question; [i]how[/i] do you understand? How have you found a way to find dormant enderparticles? The scientists here have long abandoned trying even to explain how I am even capable of existing."
"I am quite knowledgeable. Not of this world. Or any other."
"Space trader?"
"Not even closer." [b]She chuckles [/b]
"Pocket dimension?"
"Something like that. Yeah."
"How large a pocket dimension?
"A separate dimension within the pocket of space, creating half a dimension."
"So like this?" (The figure slammed the ground with his open plam, creating an all - white, featureless landscape) "Or more like the dojo?" (The pocket dimension dissapeared, leaving them in exactly the same place)
"So many questions Steve. Why do you look like a Steve to me?
"I don't. You just got that name from background telepathy."
"Interesting. What about Alan? Doe? Smith? John?"
"I have had a true name, long ago."
"On the subject of names, what's yours?"
"Call me 1996."
"Pocket dimension 1996?"
"Nope. Just 1996."
"As you wish, 1996"
"Thank you Steve."
"Don't call me Steve."