I've stalled around level 391. I used vanguard strikes to get to 385. Packages to get to 290, and now it's been's farming 3ofC to get to 391. I use Iron Banner's to level up alot, so I'm looking forward to the next one of those. I usually level up 5 to 7 light levels during one of those. The drop rates are much more frequent then regular crucible plus you get the packages at level 3 and 5. There's also the nightfalls, but more often that not I'm getting non equipment rewards :(
I agree it's harder this time around. I think on taken king faction packages went right up to 335 light. I think that made a big difference.
I also read that Ghost/Mark rewards from Archon's forge are supposed to go up to 400, but everytime I get one now it's 390... so I'm not sure that's true?
Either way, I feel I really need an Iron Banner to level up from this point.
Edited by Cryos Knight: 11/2/2016 1:50:31 PMFaction packages only went to 330 light. Ghosts and class items can drop up to 400 light from Archon's Forge but will only drop slightly higher than your character's light at the time it drops, so make sure your light is maxed at all times in the Forge.