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11/1/2016 4:14:44 PM
[quote]I agree, at the moment the grind to 400 is a pain (at least for me) I am at 399, at the moment, so I guess I cannot really complain. But all i need is a 400 heavy and legs (currently at 399 each). When i get an exotic engram in that field, i get all excited thinking 'Woohoo, finally gonna get to 400' So you can appreciate my disdain when it drops at 399!!!! (this has happened for 7 heavy exotics and 5 leg exotics) If that was not a PITA.. I decide to do strikes to get keys to open chests (keys drop at an awful rate) but when they do, and i decide to open a chest that would otherwise correspond to a % chance at a heavy drop, i do not get it... Making the grind for keys and opening chests, a chore... I tried PvP (despite being god-awful at it) in hopes that the end-game rewards would give me at least a 400 pair of legs (and a heavy at 400 to boot)... But nope! everything but! lol I am looking forward to IB when it drops, as i really hope that, that would be the key for the last 2 drops i need to get to 400. But at the moment, i am so deride at the game at the moment, that I am not sure I will get the drops i need![/quote] Yeah screw that shit, i won't do that. I'll play a FEW crucible matches if nothing higher drops, quit playing to they CHANGE it back

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