Well if that's the case. They should make it a fair cap. They should cap crucible at 390. All drops outside of raid and trials at 390 cause Crucuble isn't really a challenge. You can afk the whole thing. Getting exotics is luck- and therefore not a challenge- they should be capped at 390. See the logic here? It's sorta dumb. There's millions of players on destiny, only a fraction of a fraction have 30000000 motes of light. Also, I hit max light before and it was a challenge. Doing so now is nearly impossible if you're a player like me.
I have no idea why crucible goes up to 400. Iron banner and trials I agree should be 400. Excotics could take you to max level in year one. Vanguard and factions shouldn't be max light. What I do hope they do though is in April they update all raids and elders to max light.
That would potentially bring me back as I loved Vault of Glass and Oryx.
Well oryx weapons can be infused still but the raid itself is easy now.