Anyone up for a good old fashioned quiz on lore, this is all about the lore of darksouls.
Help is always welcome!
[b][u]Difficultly- [/u][/b]
Hollow (Yarnhamite): Easy, any souls player must know this.
Undead (Hunter)- Normal, Basic lore stuff.
Scholar- Hard, more complex and hidden lore which a lot of fans should know.
Lord of Cinder (Great One)- Hardest, you must have comed through all item decriptions and all Vaadi vidia, silver Mont, dave control, Whatever Souls lore youtubers videos. (knowing lore theories will help you out a lot)
Me (Darksouls 3 and Bloodborne with a small bit of The original darksouls.
Gimme a Lord of Cinder and a Scholar from Souls.