Bramd - old
Nah, that was my own special touch. It is halloween after all -
"Ah well then" He says attaching his pocket watch jug to his side. "A drunken festival of candy. This could be quite... entertaining" He says while chuckling. He then produces a chocolate bottle of wine and proceeds to hand it over.
Bramd - old
Ah, thanks but no thanks. I'm kinda the "Designated member" around here, plus I can't get drunk if I tried. *He chuckles as he hands it back* -
"Oh well" He says looking at the bottle. "Would hate to see it go to waste" And then bites into the top and takes a swig of it. "Any who in 1 hour, 4 minutes, and twenty two seconds you may want to visit town center. It should be pretty interesting what happens"
Bramd - old
Wait, that's very specific, what's going on? -
"Oh something in particular" He says laughing as he wanders off.
Bramd - old
*Mortar follows close behind, Cyan following as well because she has nothing better to do* -
Gerald heads to town center, finds a bench and sits down waiting patiently. Eventually the time he had previously mentioned arrives and a massive grin forms on his face. "Now this ladies and gentlemen, is a trick" Almost on cue a pig with a pumpkin on its head squeals running about wildly while farmers chase it down. The pig then proceeds through a coffee shop, knocking over chairs before running off with framers close by. One of them try to tackle it only to face plant and the other worn out, takes a moment to catch it's breath. The pumpkin finally falls off its head an the pig stops to begin gnawing on the pumpkin before ultimately being caught an carried away. "Right on time" He says while laughing and clapping as if this was the end of a performance.
Bramd - old
*Mortar can't help when he sees the pig running around.* Gotta admit Jerry, you have a sense of humor. I gotta clean up the Coffee shop now, but you have a good sense of humor -
After a little more laughter he settles down. The chairs seem to move in a rewinding motion through the air. "Ah let me handle that. Oh how the guards must love me.. Any who, happy Halloween" He gets up and wanders off leaving a pair or chocolate pocket watches on the bench he was sitting on.
Bramd - old
You too! *He picks up the watches and puts them in his pack*