"You'd be lucky to even pierce my barrier."
"Can your barrier take pure plasma? Thought not."
"You'd burn yourself to death before it even got an inch away. I don't care if your body temperature is a thousand fuсking degrees, that wouldn't save you."
"You don't know how my race works do you? I can hold plasma with only minor burns."
"I quite honestly don't care what race you are. Thermodynamics say that shit can't happen."
"Thermodynamics be damned. I can do it. I'll show you." [b]He holds one of her hands out, and a small glowing ball appears in it. A slight sizzling is heard.[/b]
"Good for you. You can make a little spark. All I have to do is land one good shot and you're dead from organ damage or blood loss from a lost limb."
[b]She makes a ball around the size of someone's head.[/b]
[i]She doesn't seem fazed.[/i]
[b]It very quickly heats up, the pair starting to get to an excess of 100 degrees.[/b]
[i]She didn't seem to care. It was slightly uncomfortable but felt no worse than being in a hot tub.[/i]
[b]The temperature rose even more. Two hundred. Three hundred.[/b]
[i]She steps back a little.[/i]
[b]Even more. Four hundred. Five hundred.[/b] [spoiler]The heat got into coma levels like a hundred degrees ago, man.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I said she stepped back. She's not right in front of her anymore. She isn't a mile away though. Also, her barrier negates some of that. She still experiences most of it, but it takes the edge off.[/spoiler] "Okay, I have an idea. Stand the hell down-" [i]She pulls out one of her pistols.[/i] "-and this doesn't get ugly."
[b]Ry looks at her in the eyes.[/b] "Get out and I don't give you a heatstroke."
"Stand down and I don't call in a small army to level this place."
"You may have an army. We have twelve. You wouldn't last two seconds."
"Twelve? I don't see half of even one anywhere around here. And those NCR bastards couldn't do shit against us."
"You clearly haven't looked up."
"Unless they wanna bomb their own people or spend an hour mobilizing their own forces, they aren't doing shit."
"Teleporters exist, idiot."
"Teleporters to any location in this sorry excuse for a city?"
"We aren't in the city, you dolt."
"The name of this place is Dojoville for fuсk's sake!"