My April update wishlist:
By Dank_In_tha_Bank
At least a few new exotic weapons 🤔
The return of skolas
Classic light option for old raids (old hardmode light recommendation) drops year 1 or 2 leveled gear
Old raids to be brought up with light levels that match year 3's light level cap, including an easy mode and hard mode (with year 3 light drops)
Challenge modes for VoG and Crotas End
Add ghost shell and a side arm to VoG and Crota's End
Kings Fall needs a side side arm and sparrow
Fix all the cheeses present in old raids to make them as they were suppose to be played
Bring back old raid exotics via quest or drops
No. Bungie shouldn't waste another dime or another minute on this game. All of their resources should be focused on making D2 great. Go play some other game If you're bored with this one.