I pay $100 a month for 50 download and 4 upload. I don't see stuff like this. All of my matches are usually golden. I think there is something 🐟 here......
i will never trust anyone named diddy.
... i pay 120 for 200 down 10 up, 2 cellphones and a landline. i see shit like this all the time, especially when i know those people are australian or south american... not trying to stereotype, those are just the ones with the worst connections for me mostly.
I have 200mb down and 20mb up and I still see stuff like this.
You cannot pay for the connection of others and a broken damage referee to be fixed just beause they're connected with you. Everyone has lag in their games...
It's almost pointless to fork over all the money for internet and a good monitor to play on. If somebody has a shit connection then your going to be fuked either way. Feelsbrokeman
I have 400/25 and I still have massive lag in most of my matches...it's a shame, guardian.
That's expensive for so little
I know, but it's the most I can get around where I live. Feelsbadman
$100 a month!? Ouch.
I was gonna say. I pay $19 a month for uncapped 1gb/1gb 0_o