I was very excited when the Days of Iron set was first shown off, even more so when I saw it with the ornaments applied. Come RoI, however, when I finally got my hands on it, I must say I was fairly disappointed. The artists who created the concept and the people who translated their design into a 3d model should be proud of the work they've done. My disappointment is due to the people who decided to give this armor a set of predetermined perks, with no option for players to re-roll them to their preferred playstyle.
I want to wear this beautifully crafted armor, but the inability to have the perks I want is too large a tradeoff. Give us the option to reroll our Days of Iron armor.
I know you can "reroll" the int/dis/str and the armor perks by re-opening the packages, but everything else is preset. Why should players be restricted to hand cannon, shotgun/fusion, and rocket ammo?
Also, if people's issue with this is the ability to get T12 stats, I'd rather see a cap on the top-end for stat rolls for the armor. T11 would still be easily achievable, but it would fall short of T12, even with a "perfect" stat roll. I'd rather have good perks than absolutely min-maxed stats. Also, the difference between T12 and T11 is barely noticeable, so it's not even an issue in my mind.