T- I no can. [b]he kneels by her[/b] T- I sorry. I revenge you.
"-blam!- sake." [b]Royal washes over her body with Holy light, in attempt to save her [/b]
[b]idk what that is[/b]
[b]It's angel light [/b]
[b]can that heal stuff?[/b]
[b]It should [/b]
[b]oh ok[/b] [b]the woman stops bleeding and seems fine except the spear in her chest[/b]
"Well. Get whatever you need."
T- I need to revenge her.
"Really? [b]Royal pulls out the spear, and blasts angel healing light throw her chest, causing her to jerk upwards before falling back [/b] "There. She's alive."
T- They stab her. They try die her.
"And now she's fine! No need to avenger her."
They try die her
"Yeah we've already killed like seven guys man!"
We died none
"What I literally just killed some when we came in."