Edit 3 Experience and Conclusion: ran 15 strikes in a row Saturday for the exotic faction class item quest and got two keys. Compared to the 3-6 per week since release individually for the most part where I got none.
From this the vanguard streak bonus seems to heavily affect drop rates of keys. This is incredibly inconvenient for a player like me that rarely does more than one strike at a time. Staying in strikes should be rewarded but at this drop rate single strikes are heavily punished.
Original: Bungie when you told us you were implementing strike chests to make getting strike specific loot easier I praised you and supported the decision.
Now I regret every positive thing I said about it. This system is now even worse. Before sure it was random but I could farm a nightfall a few times and probably get something. Or at least a chance.
Now I have no chance until I get a key which you've made the drop rates worse for than the strike loot to begin with.
You've done this misleading so much now and you wonder why people are always ripping on this game. Be honest for once or at least acknowledge this problem.
Sure [b]if[/b] you get a key it's more reliable to get. Operative word being [b]if[/b].
All you did was displace the rng from loot to keys and loot is still rng. I can play whatever strike for that chance instead of the same one over and over which is nice, but after two years of strikes I do not want to grind them anymore. Regardless of variety. Maybe if you hadn't had so few viable at a time I wouldn't be so burnt out.
Nightfall at least should give you one a week. Because this system like many others in the game no longer encourages me to grind it encourages me to stop playing because why bother rolling dice on limited time.
Honestly at this point if I finally do get another key, play flayers, and get another damn tread upon stars instead of a cloak that'll probably be the start of a long break from destiny.
And I have heard from some that they are staying rare because it's end game light. Fine take that away make it 390 like factions I don't care about light I want the cosmetics. I've wanted them for over a year and the time you seem to expect that to require is absurd. You know what happens when I finally get it? I won't be celebrating. Same thing as ghorn in year one. I'll just be salty, won't care anymore, and be long past appreciation for it because you made the grind and repetition so long it's drained away all my enthusiasm.
Edit: release the drop rate and give us an explanation because as far as I'm concerned I've been blatantly lied to. If it is "easier" on paper I can't imagine it's more than a percent or two higher strike reward rate. Especially for the casual player with limited time. Skeleton keys have actually made it take much longer to get desired gear from the key requirement
Edit 2: I very much want there to be multiple routes to max light but if max light from chests is the reason the keys are rare. I'd take that hit to get the gear. I don't want to impose that view though, but since everyone seems to care about light anything that provides that will be overly limited. So the best solution to me is still one a week per account for nightfall. Then I may actually do a nightfall for the first time in months
"You know what happens when I finally get it? I won't be celebrating. Same thing as ghorn in year one. I'll just be salty, won't care anymore, and be long past appreciation for it because you made the grind and repetition so long it's drained away all my enthusiasm." This is exactly what happened when I finally got an Imago Loop. I don't even play strikes anymore. The keys are a huge fail.