"There is no good demon, Ronin. We make up ur excuses and justify ourselves for whatever reason with our own strength. We deny our beastly nature - demons and monsters are one and the same, after all. The greatest trick the Devil played on mankind was tricking them into thinking he didn't exist."
Lucien said that last last sentence quietly with a slight smile, as if only understanding a joke he himself made.
"Because I know that if there weren't any others demons for you to feed on yourself, you'd be driven mad and devour the ones you love the most," he says with not more than a solemn whisper heard by both of them, "the only thing keeping you from that being the fine line of ideals. But when everything you value is wiped away and destroyed, those ideals mean nothing. Think about another demon you think you have vanquished in the past, Ronin. Another monster devoured for your hungry blades. Were they always such a monster? Perhaps they were like you in another life, convinced their inner demons could be used for good."
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