originally posted in:The New Dojo
[b]Vanille raised an eyebrow, surprised by the boys cheerful nature. As far as she knew, she didn't have a father... And her mom was in trouble...[/b]
[i]"You don't get lonely...?"[/i]
"Yeah... But that's okay! That's why I try to make friends! But they usually just talk to me once then never again... But that's fine! I can always make more!" [b]His cheery nature never faltered, but his smile did. It got a little smaller, like the conversation made him slightly sad.[/b]
[i]"Well... I do owe you... Maybe we can be friends."[/i] [b]She gave him a weak but genuine smile, as if very tired still, but happy because of his own goofy nature.[/b]
"Really? We can? You're serious? Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!" [b]His smile grew, a bright smile, one of pure joy and happiness. It was almost like it'd been a while since he'd had an actual friend, and judging by his stories, that might just be true.[/b]
[i]"People are rude... But I try not to be..."[/i] [b]She remarked simply, willing to be friends with Celon... He was a bubbly type but that shouldn't stop her... If anything he was comforting because of his ability to protect and save... That is where he stood out.[/b]
"I try not to be either... It's not very nice to be rude. It's not how you make friends. I like making friends. They're always fun. Hey, how old are you?" [b]Celon's tail swished back and forth again, him being visibly excited about having a friend. Especially a friend as quiet as Vanille. He'd never had a friend that didn't talk every five seconds.[/b]
[i]"Ten and two quarters."[/i] [b]She remarked cheerfully, her more pleasant side coming to form as she relaxed... Safety and happiness... Few were so blessed. It may not have seemed like much, but where she came from, this was all she needed.[/b]
"Really? And you haven't even died yet? Wow! That's pretty rare where I come from! Lucky you, I guess!" [b]He was rocking back and forth, ecstatic about meeting Vanille. It was then he realized something.[/b] "Hey, are you tired? There's plenty of places for you to sleep!"
[b]Vanille would have said yes, but for some reason, she no longer felt tired... Instead, she already had begun to feel better... At least mentally. Her head and leg still somewhat ached, but that didn't matter much.[/b] [b]But she figured she'd have to sleep eventually, and it would be better now than later.[/b] [i]"I suppose... If you know a place."[/i]
"I know lots of places! There's the extra rooms in the room complex, the old mattresses over by the kitchen... If need be you could sleep in my daddy's old room! I never go in there, I sleep in my own room!" [b]Celon smiles, like he's proud of the fact he sleeps by himself. He'd never actually slept in his parent's bed or even room. He'd always slept by himself.[/b]
[i]"Whatever is easiest... I don't want to be a bother..."[/i] [b]She remarks with eyes just hopefully for anything with a simple pillow. Even the ground would work... Besides, she owed this boy a lot, and he only continued to offer her more... It would be hard to repay it all.[/b]
"Oh, it's no trouble! Anything for a friend!" [b]Celon's bright smile her wider. He was so very happy to actually have a friend. It had been so long... So long since he'd met someone under the age of 18. Just her being there made him happy, let alone being his friend.[/b] "Let's just get you a room, okay? There's plenty spare!"
[i]"Alright..."[/i] [b]Once, and with a slight wobble, she was able to get to her feet. She looked down at her black ballet shows that decorated her long white socks that trailed up past her red skirt... She was average if anything, albeit with the strange marks on her cheeks.[/b] [i]"Just lead the way..."[/i]
"Okie dokie!" [b]The kid leads her through the courtyards, past people training and sparring, and some even killing each other. Celon didn't seem to mind, though. It was as if it was... Normal for him to see this stuff. They eventually reached the room complex, and Celon took her to a section that only had two rooms marked. There was five rooms on either side, the two on the far left of the closer side already being taken. He waved his hand across them all.[/b] "Pick one that's not taken! It'll be yours!"
[b]She stared in surprise. A whole room of her own? Really? That seemed... Foreign. She had never had one of her own.[/b] [i]"Really? I can just... Have a rom?"[/i]
"Whichever one you want! Yup!" [b]Celon was standing beside her, watching her as she looked over all the stuff. The two rooms that were already occupied were his and his dad's.[/b]
[b]She chose one near the middle on the left, deciding that it was close to the occupied rooms, but also far enough... Distance mattered. She stood outside the door, staring at the knob with wide eyes that shimmered like jewels.[/b] [i]"My own room..."[/i] [b]She slowly gripped the knob and twisted until the door gave way. She took a small step in a looked around at what could possibly be inside.[/b]
[b]What was inside was... Anything she wanted. There would be literally nothing there until she decided what she wanted it to be. It could be literally anything.[/b]
[spoiler]Is it like a digitizations room? How does that work?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I don't exactly know. It's always just been that it's whatever you want it to be.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Hmm. Okay. Is it cool if we end it here then? I'll have to think of something later. And I'moving along with my villains.[/spoiler]