originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]He gently laid her down on the table, and backed away. He knew that standing there was only getting in the way of the doctors. Blood didn't bother him, but the thought of potentially being the reason this girl died did.[/i]
[b]The doctors got to work immediately, fixing her up with the IV and sealing her wounds with a small thermal skin graft laser... Painful, but she was already unconscious and this was life-saving...[/b] [b]Meanwhile, the distance was filled with the sound of a rumbling, like a large vehicle was inbound...[/b]
[i]The was concerning. Wolfe had had quite enough with this, and he most certainly was not about to let this girl die. Speaking up, he addressed the doctors.[/i] Do you hear that? Might want to move her to some place that's safer. Whoever' after her has some heavy hardware access.
[i]"We need time. She isn't stable and moving her this moment could be dangerous... Five minutes..."[/i] [b]A small woman remarked with brown eyes and a medical suit, soaking up blood as she tried to save the small child. They needed time, and whatever was coming was already on top of them... But instead of a helicopter it sounded more like treads and wheels... And... 60s rock and roll?[/b]
We've got heavy armor moving on our location, and it's already on top of us. [i]He said, sliding his Barrett from his back and chambering a round.[/i]
[i]"Then go buy us time... We can't move her yet..."[/i] [b]The woman remarked, not even bothering to look at Wolfe as she worked... She needed more time... The girl was almost stable, but move her now may cause more bleeding.[/b]
[i]Wolfe said nothing, and headed outside. It was time to put a stop to this, once and for all.[/i]
[b]Despite the security and oncoming Dojo warriors, a large armored tank like vehicle had made its way up the hill and towards the bar... But it was very different in looks in technology and appearance then the past vehicles... Plus, the rock and roll buzzing from inside probably signaled either non hostiles, or idiots...[/b] [b]Then a door slid back, revealing a none to pleased Damien... Dressed in his usual armor, carrying his usual equipment... But his rigid posture and unhappy disposition signaled something was wrong. He didn't look towards Wolfe direction, instead, he pulled a Geiger counter and marched towards the bar... So... Damien used a tank. Good info for later.[/b]
[i]Seeing as Damien was likely not a threat, Wolfe disappeared, reappearing back inside the medical tent behind the doctors. Speaking up, he addressed them.[/i] Not hostile. Happens to be someone I know.
[b]Some of the staff shot curious glances at Wolfe, but remained working...[/b] [b]As time passed the girl slowly began to gain color in her cheeks, her breathing becoming normal as she was quickly stabilized.[/b] [i]"That should do it... She'll be tired and she needs plenty of liquids, but she will survive."[/i]
[i]He did not reply, but in his mind, he was finally at ease. This girl would survive, and that was what matters.[/i]
[i]"We need to move her... This place still isn't safe... We will carry her to the streets with the other wounded... But we will need space."[/i] [b]That sounded like a job for Wolfe, one that would be hard now that security and warriors were at each other's throats.[/b]
You've got a problem, considering everyone outside is going at it. But I'll see what I can do. [i]He drew his blade, and exited the building.[/i]
[b]There was certainly chaos at the moment, but to much of Wolfe's surprise, quite a few had backed off... The biggest problem was actually getting to a designated hospital through the choke points of people that crowded the smaller streets...[/b] [b]That's where Damien came in handy... The tall man had an affinity for being in the right place... No, he just did what he wanted... But that was fine... Because he had an armored transport able to fit plenty of people... And he was still... Measuring radiation? Didn't matter... It was an option. The second best option was to circle around the crowds and take a long way through, which would be more walking, but ultimately safer.[/b]
[i]Wolfe noticed him and his vehicle quickly, and shouted to him.[/i] YOU! Hey! [i]Armored transport was far superior to having to walk and risk the doctors or the girl being killed. He could fight his way down the streets, but forcing them to wait could have negative effects on their patients. That wasn't something he wanted to be responsible for.[/i]
[b]Wolfe caught the attention of a few, but ultimately got Damien's who almost dropped his gear in surprise.[/b] [i]"Jesus Christ almighty, good fūck!"[/i] [b]He slewed, turning to Wolfe with arms spread apart in a frustrated gesture. The gunmetal warrior was outstandingly good at ruining a good investigation.[/b] [i]"What?!"[/i]
We've got civilian medics that need evac. You think you can handle that with your APC? [i]He asked, a sense of sincerity in his voice.[/i]
[b]Damien remotely honked his large vehicle with a shrug, the back sliding open to reveal eight seats and enough room for about two dozen people... If they squeezed together.[/b] [i]"Sure thing... But you'll have to ride in the gunner seat so someone else can use 'shotgun'."[/i]
I'm not worried about myself. I've got enough armor. [i]He rapped his knuckles on his chestplate. Looking to the doctors, he gestured towards the vehicle.[/i] Ride's here. Let's load up and move, we don't have a lot of time.
[b]There were about six medical staff and eight patients in total. The head doctor, the woman with brown eyes, took the farthest seat near the patients which were laid out on the floor carefully. The rest of the staff took seats and tended to the wounded as Damien sat a mostly conscious but bruised man in the seat next to him as he revved up the engine.[/b] [i]"Alright... Wolfe, slide up to the blanket canon and we can take off... It's rubber rounds so anything that tries harming the tank can get a face full of 'nopes'. Everyone else... Get ready in case we have to leave the vehicle."[/i] [b]Damien shoved his equipment into a small cabinet near the front seat, clicked on some switches overhead and turned off his music, making sure everyone was ready to go.[/b]
Rubber bullets for the guys shooting at us with real ones. Got it. [i]Surprising to hear a bit of humor from Wolfe, albeit dry. Climbing into the cannon, he chambered a round in the weapon and waited for the vehicle to go.[/i]
[b]Damien understood the humor, it was his style too... But he knew that real bullets wouldn't eat past the vehicles outer layer... And the 60 mm blanket canon was perfectly outfitted with an actual rubbed bullet dispenser... Probably because a rubber 60 mm would possibly be lethal too... So Damien had installed an automatic rubber .44 dispenser... It would be enough.[/b] [i]"Moving... Now!"[/i] [b]And with that, the tank pushed forward as the gun swiveled upwards, carrying Wolfe to the top with a thud... But the tank ran surprisingly smooth, like a cloud on the air... It was going to be a mostly safe ride... Right?[/b] [b]Nope. They had only been on the road for about ten minutes before a crowd started to swarm the tank, an angry mob that was armed with baseball bats and wrenches, angrily shouting and banging against the tank... Damien couldn't exactly run the people over... Do movement ground to a halt...[/b] [i]"Fūck... Too many in the streets..."[/i] [b]He called out from his seat, as a pole collided with the window and caused the bullet proof glass to wobble.[/b]
[i]Wolfe swung the gun downwards and depressed the trigger, the rubber rounds slamming into the crowd. Maneuvering the weapon with one hand, he reached for a grenade on his bandolier, one that was cylindrical in shape. Continuing to fire, he shouted to Damien.[/i] This thing sealed against chemicals? I can try tear gas on these people, should drive them back, but I don't want to get anyone in here.
[i]"Yeah... Leak resistant and outside force resistant... But you may want to chuck it and shut the gun hatch... Just to be safe."[/i] [b]Damien began to honk, the tank letting off a low rumble as he revved the engine... Nothing worked. Some dispersed from the rounds, others... Not so much.[/b] [i]"Fūcking hell... These people are asking to get mind rāped."[/i]
Hell with it. [i]Wolfe popped the first and tossed it into the crowd, then popped a second, tossing it out as well, although in a different place. Quickly, he retreated down the hatch and into the tank.[/i]
[b]The hatch slammed shut behind him, the gun swiveling down and anchoring into a spot where someone with the willpower to climb the tank, could not fire it.[/b] [b]The crowd seemed to shuffle outside as Damien slowly moved the vehicle forward, one hand on the wheel, one hand on the stick, slowly pushing up...[/b] [i]"Can't tell through the gas... But..."[/i] [b]Then gunfire, bullets rattling against the vehicle as the crowds suddenly became panicked and hostile... Tear gas or not... Damien was going to start pushing forward.[/b] [b]He began to move faster, the thuds and bangs against the hull coming steadily...[/b] [i]"I am going to supercharge the batteries and send the shock through the magnetic core of the tank... Essentially a taser wave... But... I've got one shot... Better hold on to something, this may rock the vehicle..."[/i]