Campers. You either hate them, or you are one. Camping is one of those things where you can neither say it's an "illegal" strategy, nor can you condone it without being attacked. Regardless, I think we can all agree that no matter how legitimate it may be, it is a very cheap way to get kills. It can break the flow of a game and it can become a trend. Imagine joining a game where %50 or more of the players are camping. Wouldn't that be one uneventful game?
That's why I think bungie should take measures to prevent camping in Destiny 2. The most immediately way to hamper camping is to remove the crouch function. Think about how many nooks and crannies players can get into simply by crouching alone. It makes them smaller, it makes them slower and harder to detect on the radar, and it allows them to hide behind unexpected objects such as rocks, boxes, walls, in or around trash cans, etc.
"How are you going to get into cover then? What if you are trying to take shelter behind a rock, but standing doesn't do it for you?"
A valid argument, but consider this: how many time has that rock actually saved you? Even with the NPC enemies' limited intelligence, won't they still flank you and kill you anyway? Yes, they will and they do. Won't another player surely do the same thing? Crouching does not help you live for very much longer. Most players run for walls their height anyway, or they return fire. So in a way, crouching is not only a device which enables camping, it's not even very useful, kind of like a bicycle with no wheels. Furthermore, the removal of such a mechanic will make for a faster paced game.
Solid false dichotomy in the beginning there. People can play how they want. /thread
Ability to go prone 😳😳😳
This couldn't be the real longface. The last time i saw one of his/her posts was probably a year or more ago.
Back at it again Longface. [spoiler]wort[/spoiler]
-blam!-! Haven't seen you in ages Looooooooooooooooooooooooong Face! If it is indeed truly you?
Wait, I thought you died ?
No. It's a basic and well known animation in most, if not all, FPS-like games. I'd like to see prone. I'd also like to see back flips and front flips too.