[spoiler]why do you think he made that sound?[/spoiler] (As the cave collapses (which, obviously, was just after crystal guy got out, because the figure has ridiculously acute hearing and isn't stupid), the figure teleports away, and the queer mist like substance consuming the miner and teleporting him above ground)
[b]GG[/b] [b]the town all looks at you, angry[/b]
(Nobody was in the mine when it collapsed) *you're welcome*
Random Miner- You destroyed our mine!
"There was a giant bat, and a crystal guy in it."
That's just crazy talk! He must be insane! Kill him! [b]about 20 miners run at you all with pick axes[/b]
(The figure teleports away, leaving behind a single note, on it writing:) [i]you're welcome[/i]
[b]the crystal dude was walking around the town still[/b] [b]i also don't know where you teleported[/b]
(The appearance of the figure walked up to crystal dude and asks him to help the blobs)
[b]what can't this guy do?[/b] Yes. I will. Take me to their base.
[spoiler]most things. This is simply an oddly specific circumstance.[/spoiler] (The appearance of the figure leads him to the blobs)