So today I’d like to talk about a possible origins story for the vex. I know some of you may turn up your nose when I say this, but I believe their creation may involve SIVA.
Let’s start with the obvious: void shields, solar weapons. The vex have that same setup but one could say that it’s just a coincidence. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. There are, after all, only nine possible choices for enemy weapon/shield elements.
Anyway, at least keep it in mind. Now let’s move on to more pertinent information.[quote]Habitats, equipment, repairs of all kinds—all of these things can be made from one material. ~SIVA.MEM.WB003[/quote]This is what SIVA can do. The vex can do exactly all that too.
The vex can make habitats? Crossroads:[quote]Detailed analysis of the site estimates three separate ecosystems that the landscape could support, if the area had any wildlife to benefit from it.[/quote]Equipment and repairs? Vex slap rifle-[quote]The terminal's flexibility is impressive. In non-combat conditions, the Slap Rifle seems like it might serve as a viable field transmitter, construction tool, navigational beacon, network repeater, or any of a number of other utility functions.[/quote]All from one material? You’ve seen the vex building blocks right? It’s the same material across Mercury, Venus, and Mars. On that note, SIVA took over the plaguelands and spread into the cosmodrome in a pretty short amount of time, imagine how quickly it could take things over if it were “upgraded”. All that SIVA is, is just a downgraded version of the vex.
[b]But the Vex are made of Radiolaria not nano-tech![/b] I hear you cry out.
Let’s move on to the theoretical origin story shall we?
Granted, you are right. One big hole is what the vex and SIVA are comprised of, but I still see a possibility. [quote]Let's get right to it. How can Clovis Bray help the [b]Exodus project[/b]?~SIVA.MEM.CL001[/quote][quote]
SIVA doesn't expire, degrade, or forget. It can [b]remain dormant even on long voyages[/b].~SIVA.MEM.WB004[/quote]This alludes to the possibility of SIVA leaving our system or at least going really far away. Seeing as how SIVA doesn’t degrade or even require an external power source, it could go as far as the universe reaches. What I propose is a bit of SIVA was lost in space at some point and left to drift (or maybe it didn’t). At some point came into contact with a radiolaria colony and gave it a sort of, for lack of better terms, “directive”. That directive is probably the same directive it was programed with to begin with, which was assist in colonization efforts.[quote]Just give it a directive, and it won't stop until it gets a new directive. ~SIVA.MEM.WB008[/quote]
If say SIVA sort of, “bonded” with the radiolaria, it could have assisted in making bodies for them and in response the radiolaria worked to make more of SIVA, almost like a sort of mutualistic relationship. The only problem however is that they’d only have so much SIVA to work with (assuming they didn’t have a replication chamber) so they’d have to make a sort of substitute or maybe literally bond with SIVA so that the nanites would replicate as the radiolaria replicate. The vex could have very well made a whole civilization with the help of SIVA. Then at some point, Crota open a rift to where the vex were and they came flopping out into Oryx’s realm. They scanned the hive and gained a new directive that they have stuck with ever since. A quote from Toland-[quote]to rule the universe so absolutely that nothing will ever exist except by your consent.[/quote] I could also be completely wrong and there's just a lot of similarities between the vex and SIVA. This is after all just a theory.
So what do you think? Yay or nay.
Either way, hope you enjoyed.[quote]Back to master thread:[/quote]
The radiolaria's interesting. If you look up radiolaria, it's an actual microscopic organism the lives in the ocean. Someone also said in a ride along that the black garden is supposed to make you feel like you're underwater. Could the vex be linked to aquatic animals?
Phenomenally well thought out man! Love to see things like this
I always kinda thought that Clovis Bray could have used Vex tech to create SIVA. It could be a paradox, Clovis Bray creates SIVA from vex tech, SIVA evolves into Vex and the cycle repeats itself.
The vex and Siva are very different dear, one is biological machines and the other is nano tech controlled by a single command. The vex run a millions commands and a million different scenarios. Perhaps the vex helped create Siva after Clovis bay studied them. But unlikely the other way round
Edited by A Rising Wind: 11/7/2016 12:44:54 PMUpvote for creativity. Tons of speculation though, which you admit to. Since we are speculating, here is a totally unfounded idea I've had in the past. Radiolaria, is a marine animal, which is the biological portion of the vex (the white crit spot). After the VoG, the surviving Pahanin becomes a bit obsessed with....cephalopods. A marine animal (octopus, squid, etc). His cloaks' flavor text show this. Now that is not a lot to go on, but there is another cephalopod mentioned in grimoire. The first encounter we know of with the traveler to date, in the books of sorrow. The first race the hive destroy: the Ammonites, described as bony Cephalopods. What if the vex are the remaining biological elements from the ammonites? Salvaged from the destruction of their species, placed into machine frame. No memory of their past. They position themselves to never be destroyed again by writing themselves into every timeline. There is a bit more to this, but that's all the nonsense I have to write at the moment :)
Good creativity, but why is everyone obsessed with vex +SIVA? Its just not the case, considering the vex existed before humanity did.
The Vex are from another timeline altogether. Books of Sorrow.
Sunbreakers I believe are tied in with Vex as well.
Sweeper bot is obviously the first and most powerful Vex. He just hides with the Vanguard, secretly pulling the strings... [spoiler]He's making the Vex lose...[/spoiler]
I see it the other way round. The Vex seem to be older then any of us could ever imagine. I think it's more plausible that the Clovis Bray scientists took samples from Vex specimens and structures (possibly helped by the Collective on Venus), and tried to recreate some parts of the Pattern. Most of your post still stands though. Another option is that SIVA indeed 'infected' a radiolaria colony, and through many evolutions they obtained the power to time travel, thus explaining the century-old structures on Mars, Venus and in the Garden. This seems unlikely to me though. By the way, good post! [spoiler]Archived as ESD-MMR-SBV-004[/spoiler]
The vex are fugly exos lol
Origin of the vex: Bungie
I made the vex.
Love your posts dude!
hydrogen bomb
bau bau - old
I... read the title wrong. [spoiler]The luckiest seven you will ever meet[/spoiler] -
But siva is red and black, and vex is bronze, 😝😰😰🙁😟💩😥😵🤒🤐
Edited by I hate Watford: 11/6/2016 8:49:03 PMThe Vex were made by the Traveler a LONG time ago to combat the Hive. However they started to go dark. So the Traveler locked them in another realm. Crota cut a portal and BOOM they came out. That's how i think the vex were created.
Maybe the Vex (meld of organic and machine) are the ultimate result of the Fallen tinkering with SIVA. What could have happened: * Humanity created SIVA * Rasputin locked away SIVA. * The Iron Lords tried to liberate SIVA, getting decimated in the process. They locked it away again. * The Fallen discovered SIVA. * The Guardians wiped out SIVA once and for all. * The Fallen looked elsewhere for a way to meld themselves with machine. * The Fallen found another form of nanotech, which they used to self-augment. * Over some centuries, they evoloved into the Vex. * As Vex, they gained the ability to warp through time. They came back here. * In encountering the splicer Fallen, we are seeing the crude prototypes of the Vex species.
You need to do way way more research, the vex are not from our dimension they came into ours through an accident crota caused
Edited by Ghost593835: 11/6/2016 4:59:05 PMThis would explain why vex metal is living. So that means siva can time travel.
They came through a Crota hole duh
Edited by minigun800: 11/7/2016 4:28:21 AM
Its just a game bro... Just a game.. Putting way to much thought Into it..
The Vex were most likely created before SIVA was.
Hey, that's pretty good. [quote]to rule the universe so absolutely that nothing will ever exist except by your consent.[/quote] "Hey can I exist longer?" "No"
So basically you are saying: Sweeper bot + SIVA = Vex