*He nods and chuckles* Besides Nightingale, Quincy was the first person i met here as well. Does he always sleep on top of the gates?
"Beats me, I don't see him around as I'm busy fixing my ship or taking care of other business"
*Nyxon shrugs* So youre good here, right? I can go?
"Yeah, have a good one man, thanks" He nodded to you and sat down next to beta, talking in a low voice about the house he'd found, and about the tests beta endured You couldn't help but hear the word "vivisection and sample" over and over, meaning beta was often cut open while awake and tested on
*as Nyxon walks away, he turns to wave goodbye to Beta and gives a reassuring smile that he'd see her tomorrow for pizza*
She smiles back sadly and waves, while alpha got up to go to his bunk turning off the lights as he went to bed, saying something softly to beta
*Nyxon didnt turn fully around until he was around a building. He began to wonder exactly what happened to Beta..*
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