And so, more or less, Rise of Iron has come to settle.
With this, I figured it's time I remind you of the legend you’ve left behind.
You are the guardian. When you first began, you were so simple and eager to explore and understand the new world you were freshly reborn into. You fought fallen, claimed your ship, and killed an Archon hardly a day after resurrection. You explored the [url=]Cosmodrome[/url] and discovered Rasputin. You revived an old array and connected us to the rest of the solar system. Then to end your first escapade you lead a strike on the fallen house of Devil's prime. At your hand, the great [url=]Sepiks prime[/url] was destroyed.
With the cosmodrome in a better state, you turned your eyes [url=]to the moon[/url]. You followed the path of a lone titan and discovered the massing hive. You uncovered their collection of knowledge, the world's grave, and stole everything you could from it. You challenged the swarm princes to destroy Crota's sword, the very sword that devoured the light of an army of guardians. You destroyed the shrine of Oryx and stormed the chamber of night to recover a long lost shard of the traveler. But before you moved on to pursue the Exo Stranger, you lead the strike on the summoning pits and slayed the abomination, [url=]Phogoth[/url].
With the moon freshly explored, you followed The Exo Stranger's call to [url=]Venus[/url]. It is there where you discover the vex and the Ishtar archive. By your hand, the [url=,00000000ffffffff]Kell of Winter, Draksis[/url] fell. However when you took off the head of Winter they immediately went to replace it. You lead the strike in the midst of a vex assault but were still able to reach and assassinate the [url=]Archon priest, Aksor[/url]. But your work wasn’t done on Venus just yet, the vex still toiled. When the stranger told you of the black garden you sought out the Queen of the Awoken, [url=]Mara Sov[/url]. She sent you for the eye of a gate lord, and you did just that. She pointed you to Mars but Before you left Venus, you lead another strike. You went after the mind responsible for turning Venus into another vex machine, [url=]Sekrion, the Nexus mind[/url].
You charged to [url=]Mars[/url] and broke through the cabal’s exclusion zone. You found the garden’s gate and charged the eye. You secured warmind tech in Freehold, stopped the vex surge to protect the garden gate, then plunged yourself into the black garden. You destroyed the [url=]Sol progeny[/url] and in the process, [url=]The Black Heart[/url]. With a shroud of darkness lifted, we celebrated in your honor. You’re legend however didn’t stop there. You lead the strike on the cabal leader [url=]Valus Ta’aurc[/url] and followed that up by taking out the [url=]psion flayers[/url]. While you did that, the vanguard picked up something in the black garden that was trying to resurrect its heart, and sent you to destroy [url=]the undying mind[/url].
And finally, to top it all off, you gathered a team, not a strike team, but a raid team. You lead them into the vault of glass. You destroyed [url=]the Templar[/url] and pushed into the gorgon’s labyrinth where you discovered, well, [url=]the gorgons[/url]. You made your way through and discovered the glass throne of [url=]Atheon, time’s conflux[/url]. You destroyed him, effectively crippling the vex.
You, the guardian, gave us something we haven’t had in a long time: a time of rest. But your story didn’t stop there, heavens no.
A long lost guardian, [url=]Eris morn[/url], returned, speaking of the rise of the hive god-prince. [url=]Crota, Son of Oryx.[/url] She sent you on your way to topple the rising prince. You defended Rasputin from a hive assault. You slew Crota’s might, fist, heart, eyes, and hand. With the majority of his agents gone, Eris sent you to the moon to stop the walkers from reviving Crota. You returned to the chamber of night, and banished [url=]Crota’s soul[/url] from our world. Even though Crota’s very soul was banished, it didn’t stop his Will. Eris sent you to the skywatch to kill the last agent of Crota and stop a new hive army from invading. You lead the strike responsible for the fall of [url=]Omnigul, will of Crota[/url]. Now with the agents of Crota wiped out and his soul banished from our world, Eris sent you to exact revenge, not just for her and her fireteam, but for all the guardians that fell at the great disaster. With a new raid team, You traversed the Hellmouth’s abyss, crossed the bridge to Crota’s palace, killed his deathsinger, then kill Crota himself. Yet another great victory that you are responsible for.
Again, there was a quiet time, we got stronger. But that was only the second part to your story, guardians.
You received a message from the reef, calling you to arms. The Awoken heard of your exploits in the black garden and the defeat of Crota, so they called onto you. [url=]Skolas the rabid[/url] had returned and rallied the house of wolves. You came to the reef, and made friends. Petra venj sent you after Skolas when he went after the house of Winter and found that they already bowed to him. You followed Skolas to the cosmodrome and denied him the house of Devils and Kings. You lead a strike on a Wolf ketch that housed the shadow thief. He challenged you and you accepted. By the end of it, [url=]Taniks the scarred[/url], fell at your hand.You then followed Skolas back to Venus and saw the wolves summon the Oracles in the Vault of glass and denied them the oracles too. With Skolas on the run, you pinned him at the top of the vex citadel. He may have discovered how to use the vex tech, but it didn’t save him. You captured Skolas and brought him to the prison of elders. It was there where you judged the false kell of kells and broke the fallen house of wolves.
Yet another time, we are allowed to rest. However we dared not ignore the prophecy from Skolas. The “Light-snuffer, Dark-binder” was on it’s way.
[url=]Next part:[/url]
Very well put together. I like the pictures :3