I'm curious as to how many of you ...fervent Clinton supporters on here would still vote for her were she not pretty much the only means of preventing a Republican presidency?
Tbh I'd rather deal with Gary Johnson trying to figure out what Aleppo is for four years than either candidate
I wonder how many people are voting for her just because she is a woman.
I honestly don't understand the question
Most wouldn't, considering there are the ones who always vote democrat and pay no attention to the election itself, and independents got [b]no[/b] media coverage. Ever.
Donald Trump is the means of preventing a republican president. This election should have been a shoe in. Just find one likable candidate that isn't a complete ignoramus and the election was theirs.
If she were an independent like Bernie and they were both vying for the Democratic ticket, the DNC probably wouldn't have tried so hard make sure she was the nominee. So, in that hypothetical situation Bernie might have actually won, and I would be voting for him.
Im not a clinton supporter. Openly against her for MANY years. Still doesnt mean id vote for him. Why make a post that wont change ones views?
I don't think people are voting for her to prevent a Republican presidency. I think people are voting for her to prevent a Trump presidency.