So today I’d like to talk about a possible origins story for the vex. I know some of you may turn up your nose when I say this, but I believe their creation may involve SIVA.
Let’s start with the obvious: void shields, solar weapons. The vex have that same setup but one could say that it’s just a coincidence. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. There are, after all, only nine possible choices for enemy weapon/shield elements.
Anyway, at least keep it in mind. Now let’s move on to more pertinent information.[quote]Habitats, equipment, repairs of all kinds—all of these things can be made from one material. ~SIVA.MEM.WB003[/quote]This is what SIVA can do. The vex can do exactly all that too.
The vex can make habitats? Crossroads:[quote]Detailed analysis of the site estimates three separate ecosystems that the landscape could support, if the area had any wildlife to benefit from it.[/quote]Equipment and repairs? Vex slap rifle-[quote]The terminal's flexibility is impressive. In non-combat conditions, the Slap Rifle seems like it might serve as a viable field transmitter, construction tool, navigational beacon, network repeater, or any of a number of other utility functions.[/quote]All from one material? You’ve seen the vex building blocks right? It’s the same material across Mercury, Venus, and Mars. On that note, SIVA took over the plaguelands and spread into the cosmodrome in a pretty short amount of time, imagine how quickly it could take things over if it were “upgraded”. All that SIVA is, is just a downgraded version of the vex.
[b]But the Vex are made of Radiolaria not nano-tech![/b] I hear you cry out.
Let’s move on to the theoretical origin story shall we?
Granted, you are right. One big hole is what the vex and SIVA are comprised of, but I still see a possibility. [quote]Let's get right to it. How can Clovis Bray help the [b]Exodus project[/b]?~SIVA.MEM.CL001[/quote][quote]
SIVA doesn't expire, degrade, or forget. It can [b]remain dormant even on long voyages[/b].~SIVA.MEM.WB004[/quote]This alludes to the possibility of SIVA leaving our system or at least going really far away. Seeing as how SIVA doesn’t degrade or even require an external power source, it could go as far as the universe reaches. What I propose is a bit of SIVA was lost in space at some point and left to drift (or maybe it didn’t). At some point came into contact with a radiolaria colony and gave it a sort of, for lack of better terms, “directive”. That directive is probably the same directive it was programed with to begin with, which was assist in colonization efforts.[quote]Just give it a directive, and it won't stop until it gets a new directive. ~SIVA.MEM.WB008[/quote]
If say SIVA sort of, “bonded” with the radiolaria, it could have assisted in making bodies for them and in response the radiolaria worked to make more of SIVA, almost like a sort of mutualistic relationship. The only problem however is that they’d only have so much SIVA to work with (assuming they didn’t have a replication chamber) so they’d have to make a sort of substitute or maybe literally bond with SIVA so that the nanites would replicate as the radiolaria replicate. The vex could have very well made a whole civilization with the help of SIVA. Then at some point, Crota open a rift to where the vex were and they came flopping out into Oryx’s realm. They scanned the hive and gained a new directive that they have stuck with ever since. A quote from Toland-[quote]to rule the universe so absolutely that nothing will ever exist except by your consent.[/quote] I could also be completely wrong and there's just a lot of similarities between the vex and SIVA. This is after all just a theory.
So what do you think? Yay or nay.
Either way, hope you enjoyed.[quote]Back to master thread:[/quote]
The vex are fugly exos lol