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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Chinkronomicon: 11/8/2016 3:20:00 AM
[b][u]Toast to The Dead | Mountains over Dojoville[/u][/b] [i]Here’s a toast to the dead If you don’t drink, smoke to the head For the freedom fighters killed by the feds For those who died hard in the streets soaking in red And died slow asleep in a dream choking in bed Here’s a toast to the dead for my enemies that are gone I’m not a coward so, celebrating that would be wrong I pray to God that your soul will come back again So I can see you in the next life and finish it then A toast to the dead for criminals, burning in hell I wonder how many presidents are burning as well -Immortal Technique[/i] "C'mon, you can do better than that," the older man said with a slight smile. "Again." Their [i]bokkens[/i] crashed into one another as the young man whirled around with an angry fire in his eyes. The boy's opponent saw this flare of anger and tapped into it, noticing the boy's rushed footwork and shooting a paint round into his knee. A newer splash of red cracked open on the younger man's leg, his elder's wooden sword soon creating a painted red streak across his thigh and chest in a swift one-two motion, partially breaking apart the wooden sword that he parried. It was almost as if he had no time to react. "Unfair, Lael. You caught me off guard," the boy sighed as he stopped his advance and stepped a few paces back, readying himself for another sparring match once more. His body was covered in dozens of red splotches from their private training session. Lael had insisted that they slow their training down, but at the same time he was excited due to his new pupil's passion for learning. Though he had yet to know what drove his student's pursuit. Lines and circular splatters of crimson were painted on the young man's fencing jacket, even staining his training pistol's holster a faded vermillion. "Lucien, you get too angry. Such emotion is a powerful driving force, but you cannot let that fire of yours get any more out of control," Lael chuckled in spite of the younger Lucien's skeptical face. "It was a simple miscalculation on my part. I should've been watching your gun hand and disabled it with my own-" "No, it isn't that, my boy. Listen to me: imagine your skill as a piece of metal used by the smiths to create a weapon. Whatever determination you have, use it as fire to temper the blade," the thickly accented Lael explained as he began to circle Lucien, wooden blade raised in one hand and the other poised to draw his sidearm. Lucien began to pace around his opponent as well, weakly raising his sword in two hands. His entire body ached after being bombarded by paint bullets and the blunt force of wooden blades - but he would not rest until he fully mastered the Tribals' Wanderer Discipline. "Stop that shaking, watch your feet. Spaced out just like - yes, good, good. Control that fires of yours - our hunters use only the finest of weapons to hunt down the abominations." With a [i]clack![/i] the two wooden swords collided once before sounding off again, sending red paint flying both ways. During their trade, Lael quickly drew his sidearm and prepared to fire it point-blank, but his draw was interrupted by a step inwards followed by an elbow strike to the solar plexus from Lucien. Gasping for air, Lael attempted to retreat whilst being pressured by Lucien's blade every step of the way. With two slashes from Lucien came three more shots from his sidearm, every attack connecting and leaving a nasty welt beneath a splatter of paint. He moved like a shadow of death itself, so fast it was like he merely phased through each blow Lael tried to send towards him. "I concede!" Lael coughed while laughing. Lucien's blade slammed across his left knee, sending him to one as he was surprised. Two more shots were planted in his collarbone, one placed soon after on his cheek - dangerously close to his eye. Any higher and he would've gone blind. The storm of red paint continued as Lael attempted to defend himself, more in shock at his student's ferocity. He was dumbfounded until he saw something that unnerved him in Lucien's eyes. That fire from before was now a fully-fledged inferno within his pupils, a light that only a madman would use. "Lucien, enough!" he said as his student's sword came flying towards his windpipe, stopped just in time. Silence reigned for what seemed to be hours contained in heartbeat. That look of madness in the young Lucien's eyes dimmed as he suddenly realized what he had done. Immediately dropping his weapons and offering a hand, he began to apologize, "Dear God, I'm so sorry Lael. I didn't mean to -" "No, lad. It's quite alright," Lael said with a slight laugh to hide his creeping fear. "It's my own fault for not being able to keep up. Would you like at that, eh? The student standing over the master with a blade at his throat. Spectacular!" A fit of coughing overcame Lael as Lucien helped him up. There was something hidden deep within his pupil, Lael knew that. But what it was would terrify him to his core if he knew right then and there. So he laughed it off instead, denying his own wariness, "Good Lord, boy. You fight a damn demon yourself." ~~~ It was early morning. Tesuto was nowhere in sight, so Lucien decided to train. After all, the nightmares of the night before still plagued him. Reliving his memories with the Tribals were bittersweet more than anything. It had been a few days from his arrival at the Dojo. After the two massacres at the hands of the alleged "Venom" mercenaries (as Ronin called them), he already had his hands full in this strange new place. So what better an exercise than training to keep his mind in order? Beneath the shade of a large tree he began to spar an imaginary opponent, whirling back in a deadly tornado of faux gunshots and slashes into the air. Any onlooker wouldn't see the single tear falling down his face as he remembered the exact same moves his mentor taught him, soon lost within the many beads of sweat. [spoiler]Closed to Pants, open to critique.[/spoiler]

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  • The samurai had walked from the shopkeep area, or what was called as courtyard A3 for organizations sake. As he stepped from that courtyard, through the hallway, and into the main courtyard. Winter was coming. And the cherry blossom tree had all but a few petals hanging on its branches. One of which was blown off from the wind and onto Tesutos shoulder. He looked at the petal, brushing it off before investigating the man. "Your fighting've been trained I would assume?"

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  • Lucien stops after aiming his revolver with one hand at a tree, mimicking firing it before he holsters it alongside his sword. For a moment, Tesuto sees the engravings and markings upon his blade: a swirl of Celtic and Oriental depictions of some kind of purgatory battle. "My former people back in my home. Tribals, they called themselves. Ex-Aviators before the Great Scorch came. They took upon the mission of cleaning the world of the Infected abominations. I studied under one of their most difficult disciplines, the discipline of the Wanderer." He gestured to his blade and gun sheathed at his waist.

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  • "The great scorch....? I do not have an event of that scale within my database. And who were these tribals?" Tesuto was curious as to what the man was talking about. In all likelihood, he knew what it was in his files. But the name was under a different one.

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  • "My homeland. I've come to accept that our worlds are different - mine is Mars, an Earth colony after a great solar flare we call the Scorch. For centuries we have been exiled to the Red Planet... I guess until today." He unclips his gas mask from his belt and shows it to Tesuto. It bore the same markings as the katana. "The Tribals were an elite caste of monster hunters, so to speak. Before the Great Scorch, a new virus developed based off of human bacteria mutated in the Martian atmosphere. It was called the Mutated Stem Cell Virus due to its astounding ability to mutate stem cells. My point is, the virus survived through the Scorch and created horrible beasts. The Tribals used reaction-enhancing herbs, special fighting methods and unique weapons to make it their mission to eradicate all beasts. Would you like to know more?"

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  • "I would. I am interested as to where you have come from?"

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  • "Centuries ago, Earth began to colonize Mars. During their terraforming was a great revolution of cruelty and disease brought upon by the mutation of human bacteria, but that was abruptly ended by the Scorch. The Scorch is the name of the massive solar flare that cut off all communication between Mars and Earth. Now, nearly a millennia later, there are survivors. You have the Iconoclast - a group of high-class society members who sought out to be an existentialist colony but eventually corrupted themselves through hypocrisy. They control most of Olympus Island by funding mercenaries that enforce their rule. Next is the Abbatial, a church of sorts that worships Infected abominations as pieces of a divided God. The Tribals were ex-aviators who were exiled to the ground and swore to hunt down all the Infected that plagued Mars. And finally there are the Underfolk, colonies set up in old mining settlements underground. Most of them don't even know - or want to believe - that there is a world above the surface."

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  • "Centuries ago....? What year were you born in Lucien?"

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  • "I don't quite know - no one really does. Time became obsolete after the Scorch, all we have left are old records. Most of the world doesn't even know how we got into this hellhole."

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  • "Do you have these records with you? I'm not sure if it could help look for the boy you look for but....I would like to find out more about you, with all due respect."

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  • Lucien points to his head. "All the records have been memorized up here and some recorded in my compendium - which I would prefer not to share. What else would you like to know?"

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  • "So you have no idea which year you are from? No records state any form of date? Or at least a clue to a time period?"

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  • "It could be centuries or millennia after the Scorch. Our ancestors stopped counting when they forgot the value of archiving and turned to a more... Rational mindset. So no - I do not know which year I hail from exactly. I only know that I come from a place on Mars called Olympus Island long after the Scorch."

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  • "Hmmm." Tesuto still did not trust this newcomer. Not only because he wore the face of a dead man, but that he had such a lack of evidence to his existence that it was as if everything he was just told was a story. Something fabricated for sympathy. "Let's get back to the boy then, hmm? How do you suppose he is here?"

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  • "In all honesty? I don't really know. The last thing I remembered before blacking out was seeing the boy held by Iconoclast mercenaries. They took him as ransom and I was even ready to give up my life for him - that was, before one of them hit his head with the butt of their gun. I lost it and transformed into... You get the idea." Lucien sighed and sat down by the base of the large tree, as if trying to forget such memories because of the grief they brought. "When I woke up I was here. So I can only assume the boy is here as well."

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  • "Hmmmm. Well, Tatakai is a large world. There are many places he could hide. What do you know about him? Anything you can tell me?"

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  • "His name is Alister Danet. He looks around 15-16, with dark brown hair and slightly lighter skin than mine," Lucien says as he gestures to his tanned Oriental skin. "He should be wearing some Pre-Scorch miner garments under a discarded Tribal coat. It looks like a leather fencing jacket with attached ceramic reinforcements and animal furs."

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  • "I was talking about who he was. As a person."

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  • Lucien raised his hands in disappointment, "My apologies. Old habits die hard, I suppose. Alister was an apprentice of mine, so to speak. I made a promise a long time ago to my -... An old friend. By blood debt, I would one day come to Alister's home underground and bring him to the world above, show him how to survive and be better than the best. Teach him how the world worked. Show him the best way of killing an Infected beast. And after all that? He would learn the truth." He wasn't hiding something per se, more like he seemed to be guilty of something unspoken. Something he would rather not say - but at this rate he probably wouldn't lie to Tesuto if the samurai pressed him.

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  • "The truth of what, Lucien?"

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  • "Of the boy's past," he said hesitantly. Lucien sighed and took off his hat. "I suppose you deserve the truth as well if we're to work together. Long ago when I was much younger, I was an elite Iconoclast mercenary who went rogue. My location was betrayed by my own brother and his settlement who were offered sanctuary in exchange for my life. I was imprisoned. They tortured me, pitted me against some of their experiments. I eventually escaped by the help of a defective Iconoclast member and was eventually found by the Tribals, half-frozen to death. I trained with them. Hunted with them, learned their ways. Became one of their best. Then I saw an opportunity to gain immeasurable power... All I could think about was vengeance. So I took it. And there's not a day I don't regret it. I was exiled by the Tribals after they found out what I had done - eaten one of the Abbatial's exalted abominations; eaten a piece of their divided God. So I sought out the settlement of Auburn Steppes, my brother's home. I..." He cast his eyes downwards in shame.

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  • "Lucien...what did you do?"

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  • "I killed them. I burnt them all, and those who weren't killed instantly suffered worse. The entire settlement..." Lucien looks back up at Tesuto, his pain showing in his eyes. It was clear he regretted it. "I eventually made my way to my brother's home. He became their leader in exchange for my life. We fought, I cut his wife down and then I cut him down. All the fire... My apologies. In his last dying breaths he pointed something out to me - his infant child, crying amidst the burning house. So I promised him one thing as I realized the weight of my actions. That I would teach his son to survive and fight. And one day? It would be up to him to judge me - if he truly surpassed me, he would have the skill to enact vengeance. That man was Mikhail Danet. His son was Alister Danet. My nephew. I... I know, I'm a monster. And there's not a day I don't atone for it. I'm but a mere wanderer now, branded as a demon by a people I once called my own." He turned around and shifted the collar of his coat, exposing the back of his neck and the brand upon it: some kind of multi-headed beast with flaming wings arising from a molten lake, the image itself trapped within a single drawing of an ember.

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  • "Your act was one of be vengeance. I would be damned if I haven't seen a similar story before. Anger can seep into ones soul, it can twist and bend it to its own will like a parasite." Tesuto stepped forward, beside Lucien. "It only leaves us once it's taken what it's wanted. Behind, it leaves regret. It leaves emptiness from what it took. What you have can only be forgiven by those you have wronged. I cannot say this is alright. Or that you are a demon. For I believe that you acted to your own accord in a time where the parasite only wanted to achieve its goal. Now? We must find this boy. For the sake of his safety. But I tell you now, the truth always finds away. And it's best to not let a wound fester."

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  • "The boy already knows," Lucien continued. "He found out from the Tribals after him and I were separated. I don't believe in any God, Samurai. When I ate the Abbatial's exalted Angel I did not believe I became a demigod. No, I only believe in monsters and men. My atonement is to ensure no other makes the same mistakes I have; to embrace my inner demon in order to devour others. And to make sure, when the boy one day comes to the crossroads of fate, that he retains his humanity as opposed to what I have done."

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  • "You have to find him first though...."

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