"Well lets hope then cause if tried my very best to get her to the point that she can get to have normal life like her sisters."says hovark
"Well, I'm happy to try and help. I think I'll go tell Leyla what the plan is."
"Okay then tell sis i said hi"says lola [i]both hovark and serenity step out of her room into the hall. They both stand in the doorway. Lola was kinda bummed though cause wants to say hi to her sister in person but she can't so she yawn again still kinda of sleepy.[/i] "Well im going back to sleep not much i can do in here especially since its raining"says lola
"Yeah... But we'll have at least a couple sets of clothes to you by next week."
"Okay well leave you to it then im just gonna be sleeping here"says lola [i]she yawns once more rubbing her eyes. She starts to nod off again closing her eyes.[/i]
"Alright, bye Lola." *He says, turning around and walking out.*
"Bye...''says lola sleepyly [i]as he leaves sivath is sitting by the front the cave just watching the storm. He smiles when he sees him.[/i] "Bye sketch say hi to auntie for me"says sivath
"Alright Sivath, I will." *I say as I step out into the pouring rain, heading back to the box.*
[i]sivath watches him walk out into storm walking towards his box. [/i]
*I reach the box, stepping inside.* "Leyla? I just got an idea for how to help Lola."
"Yeah sketch what your idea?"says leyla [i]she is sitting on the couch watch luka and yerin color[/i]
"We can try and make insulated clothing for Lola. A long sleeve shirt, pants shoes and gloves. That way she should only shock people if they touch her head! I'll need your measurements though and I'll need you to help me make something she would want wear..."
"Okay that sounds like a good plan but how will you insulate it"says leyla
"Well, we just need to find some sort of fabric like material that also insulates from electricity. Do materials like that exist here on Earth? I know they did back on Sphirinia."
"Only one i can think of is rubber but that too bulky to wear for clothes"says leyla [i]she scratches the back of her head as she thinks.[/i]
"Hmm... Well if push comes to shove we can just buy clothes for her and I can try and mix some sort of coating for them that is an insulator..."
"Yeah that sounds like a good plan"says leyla [spoiler]very busy today wont be on later[/spoiler]
"Okay, let's get to work!" [spoiler]So, what should we do? Have Sketch and Leyla make them? Just give them to Lola? Lola just somehow has them?[/spoiler]
"Yeah"says leyla [spoiler]first option[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Alright[/spoiler] "So, what kind of stuff do you think she would like?"