I have had a few grasps of maloks and always had awful rolls on it. I really want to use it for PvP so today I have been farming Skeleton keys to then hopefully get a chance at a good Grasp of Malok.
So I wanted to ask you guys what are the rolls i should be looking for?
On my first key I have just gotten a grasp with
Counterbalance / perfect balance / spray and play
Is this a good, usable roll or should I keep looking for a better one?
The favorite pulse rifles are all from shot group/ recoil pattern. Grasp/pilgrim/dragon/nirwens/hawksaw Perk wise alot is preference by how you play, but generally it goes to cheating your pulse rifle into a lazer beam or auto rifle, with a recoil you can keep on headshots. Ideal stacks 2 stability perks and a 3rd of your choice. For example, i have 3 nirwens that are lazer beams, but 2 have too much stability for me. For my play style the little recoil helps pull my center mass shots up into crit zone and i can control it keeping them on point if my opponent is foolish enough to stand too still. I would personally prefer auto/ or 3rd eye for my 3rd perk. Figure pulse rifles are somewhere between use as auto's and scouts. If you can perk yours to cover either extreme and the middle of the two: then its a good roll. Your roll is quality, but without knowing you, nobody knows if it is YOUR god roll