I've noticed a lot of talk about how everyone having a good clever dragon will be bad for crucible. I strongly disagree & here's why, everyone having a decent roll on a good weapon pretty much puts everyone on even ground, now all it comes down to is gun skill. I'm not the best PVP player, truth be told I kinda suck. That being said it's nice to know that I have a chance to compete in gun fights cause I have a weapon that's just as good as my opponents. Additionally aren't you all wanting primaries buffed? If that happens Clever Dragon will be the least of our worries. Just my two cents, what do you guys think?
Loving all the feedback & civil disagreement. Glad to see the community discussing this a mature way.
Well what you said is true ,but if you put the try hards and the pros with the clever dragon, and everyone using the same weapon, it would be kind of too overpowered. So I recommend a nerf on the range or the stability on this weapon.I also think that the auto rifles in this game needs a buff as well because the only things I see in crucible theses days are clever matadors (the clever dragon and the matador 64) and blind matadors (blind perdition and matador 64).
Clever dragon needs a Nerf beyond compare it's not hard to realize that it's the most overused and overpowered gun in the game. On top of having ridiculous impact plus the fire rate close to a grasp it's honestly ridiculous. For people who don't have this gun and wasn't present for iron banner there's no primary to counter it. Bungie needs to fix it pronto.
People should just want to use other guns not just the clever dragon(highest impact hand cannons should get damage buff so they can two tap)
I definitely get where you're coming from, but I would argue that other primary weapons should be buffed if the clever dragon is to remain the same. I get the whole "if everyone has a good clever dragon then it's fair" argument and I agree to an extent. But everybody using a clever dragon just makes for a boring match. Plus different primary weapons should be good for different situations and should be used accordingly. As things stand right now, clever dragon can overpower scout rifles at an extended range AND put up a good fight against close range weapons as well. So I say if the clever dragon shouldn't be nerfed, then other weapons should be buffed to give them the edge in close or far ranged battles. That being said the only thing I actually think is unbalanced about the clever dragon is the flinch it induces upon impact. Haha P.S. I say this as a clever dragon user and not a butt hurt scrub.
Gun skill? Hopscotch/Nirwens takes 3 bursts to kill Clever dragon can kill in 3 bursts with 2x the rate of fire. Please feel free to test for yourself. Somebody in the testing department didnt do their math properly
a lot of primaries should've never been touched in the first place. a primary that is actually strong and performs as a primary should is now seen as "OP"
The problem is - people don't like to be on level ground. They live an advantage. To no longer be a unique individual gifted with insane RNG luck gives them grief. Bring back reforge and implement it properly so we can start kitting out our guardians how we see fit/ Weapons and armour reforge < telemetries for armour also <
At least now people are using primaries, and that's all I want.
I got a real nice Clever Dragon on PS4 last Iron Banner. Hoping to get a good roll on Xbox, or just pick up the vendor one. Thanks for the feedback on this weapon. We will take it into consideration.
Depends on how bungie buff the primaries. The clever dragon is too good over too much range and you don't see auto rifles used or even the Nirwens mercy or spare change pulse archetypes used anymore because in comparison, they suck. High RoF 3 burst, lower RoF also 3 burst both PvE the same range... sure the high RoF need all head shots, but for the most part, so does Nirwens mercy. Either make the highest RoF a 4 burst and keep the RoF and range, or increase damage on Nirwens and bring it back to normal
It could us a very slight range nerf in my opinion.
Here's a weapon article posted about it https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/217930643/0/0
The problem with the clever dragon is that it is now rediculously easy for everyone to obtain an op weapon. Every iron banner I go into all I ever see is that gun. That archetype has been that powerful all throughout TTK, however the only y2 gun of that archetype was grasp, which was very difficult to obtain, and even harder to obtain a god roll. Therefore, grasp was tolerable because you only ever came across someone using it very rarely, which put in more variety as a result of it's rarity. Now that such a pulse is generally Available to everyone, it vastly reduces crucible variety, which bungie says they try to promote, with countless nerfs we all have known. However, there has been enough nerfing of archetypes, so the best thing for the clever dragon is to give it the hopscotch treatment, and change that specific gun only, to an archetype like hawk saw or blind perdition, which is only a touch less powerful.
Edited by Coz: 11/12/2016 10:52:11 PMIf anything the Clever is just amazingly easy to obtain with a good roll, within 3 days of Iron Banner I dropped various Clever Dragons (about a dozen) with counter balance, headseeker etc. all the various perk combinations each kind of player would prefer. Not to mention as did all the friends playing with me. So with such a good perk pool on it and its ease of obtainment this week, it's not that I would say it needs a nerf, it's just going to get old lol. Destiny is all about variety.
Not saying it needs a nerf but right now, the clever dragon out performs all other pulse rifles by a WIDE MARGIN. That statement alone proves that it deserves attention to tweaking. My pdx-41 can't keep up even at long range (where it should be shining)
Edited by [SiN]大き氷: 11/10/2016 3:32:47 PMThe player base is terrible so many are easily swayed by youtubers, streamers, and general word of mouth it's hilarious. Here I am using blue weapons with no perks I just got in IB and still doing well. I still haven't put the effort into getting the same "meta" crap everyone gravitates towards. The closest I got was getting the mida when it was the new thing or thorn, and how everyone else trying the same thing couldn't keep up. Not really meaning to brag that I'm the cats pajamas, decent at best, just illustrating a point that the community is bad.
loot based games mean people aren't supposed to have the exact same sht and aren't supposed to be even. The higher tier the content the better the gear is SUPPOSED to be IB is mid tier at best trials is top tier for pvp (whether people like that or not) by all right blind perdition SHOULD be better than clever dragon because it is from a higher tier activity. In destiny 2 rolls from vendors should be rng not pure rng but random enough so people can have easy access to guaranteed weapon rolls. You want good weapons? do the hardest content you wanna take a short cut results may vary... there is far too many occurrences where everyone or a large amount of people have the same sht on if I'm in a control match there shouldn't be 4 other people who have almost identical load-outs to me as far as primary/special/heavy. when the picks for what is "meta" only allow for less than 10 guns in any slot there is an imbalance and something needs to be addressed especially if the weapons that are in the "meta" are within 1-2 archetypes like only high impact sniper/shotties being the only specials seen regularly there is an issue where the other variants of that gun aren't viable so you have to decide whether to tone the prominent weapons down or beef up the weaker ones. The easiest thing to do would make perks like range find and rifled barrel not part of the perk pool for high impact shotties and remove low zoom scopes from high impact snipers. While allowing low impact shotties to keep rifled barrel and rangefinder and low impact sniper to have low zoom scopes. I will now wait for people to tell me how the weapons that are the obvious cause of imbalances aren't the issue and blame either bungie or bad players or tell me idk what I'm talking about.
All it'll take is enough people to get killed by it repeatedly and it'll get nerfed. It happens to every good weapon in this game. People get too salty and the next thing you know everyone starts saying it's OP and BAM...fusion rifle nerf.
I got a God role Clever Dragon, Perfect Balance Counter Balance and high caliber rounds. I can't use Pulse rifles though im a handcannon type of guy, Im planning on practicing with this gun so I can "Get Gud". So Bungo Please DON'T NERF. BUFF all guns to the Clever Dragons' level.
So true
I want diversity in the weapons used in pvp not just one annoying weapon that everyone refuses to put down
Are you asking for Fusion Rifles to be nerfed?
If anything it need buff. At least bring ammo to 36 rounds instead if 30.
Edited by BiggusThiccus: 11/12/2016 6:15:59 AMAs a stand alone gun, yes it doesn't need a nerf. The whole archetype however needs some range reduction however, a pulse riffle (mid-long range) shouldn't be able to outgun scouts in the longer ranges of scouts (which are suppose to have the highest range for a primary).
Look fam, I love the crucible. Sure I suck at it, but if there's one thing I hate in it, it's an overused gun. I'm now getting killed by clever Dragon more than felwinters lie in year one. I honestly hope bungie does the universal God buff to all the primaries they've been talking about.