Squating or sitting?
[spoiler]the purpose of this is for science[/spoiler]
So much grace and form in squatting versus sitting. But what if you have explosive diarrhea?
Squatty Potty
Sitting. Easier not getting piss or shit all over your clothes...
Squating, it's accually proven to give you less gut problems.
What if you miss the hole? You would have to get a stick to push the turd in! And don't say "how would you miss" because we all use our phones on the pooper and we know how distracted we can get.
I read this as squirting or sitting. To which my answer is both.
Depends public or personal?
Id rather squat. Healthier for my bowels
Squatting is actually better for you but why squat when you can sit?
Squatting? Are you a savage? Sitting is superior
Speaking from experience, sitting, hands down.
If I have a really terrible constipation I might fall over if I squat. Embarrassment like that can NEVER be on the table.