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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
11/11/2016 2:33:59 AM
[spoiler]good rule[/spoiler] I am Cannon Lok, of the Mandalorian house Lok. *He lunges forward with his saber, locking blades with you in a shower of sparks*

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  • *Strangely enough the wooden sword wasn't cut through by the lightsaber, as if something was ensuring that it would break under your weapon's heat* Well, Cannon Lok. You are a formidable opponent indeed. Let's see how you handle this. *The man kicks you in the knee and hops backwards, throwing a handful of throwing knives at you*

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  • Edited by Cannon011: 11/11/2016 4:19:53 AM
    [spoiler]it's not a lightsaber, it's metal. Just really strong metal(lightsaber proof).[/spoiler] *he drops to one knee, raising an arm and allowing the knives to simply clatter off his armor before raising his gauntlet* My turn. *a spray of small shrapnel loaded micro-rockets launch forth from his gauntlet*

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  • [spoiler]Aah, I see lol. My bad - I just read your bio. Mandolorian Iron, right?[/spoiler] *He raises his arm as a wall of blue flame rises forth from the ground in front of him and incinerates the rockets as they hit it* Micro-rockets? Interesting technology. *The man rushes forward again as he spins and raises his hand to you, sending the wall of fire spiralling towards you like a flaming serpent*

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  • Edited by Cannon011: 11/11/2016 4:29:13 AM
    [spoiler]Yeah, we Mandos call it beskar.[/spoiler] *He leaps back, activating his jetpack and taking to the sky as he draws a blaster and proceeds to open fire*

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  • *The man twirls his sword and slams it into the ground, releasing multiple snakes of fire that surround him and create a blue firestorm* *As he does that he tries dodging to the side but is clipped by the lasers, making him clutch his shoulder in pain as the heat lances through him* Damn, you're good. *He draws a revolver from his side and fires back at the Mando as he sails through the air*

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  • *the bullets impact the armor, eliciting grunts of pain from the man beneath but otherwise causing little harm as he continues to fire*

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  • [spoiler]I'm gonna switch over to my writing style now. You do whatever you're most comfortable with, mate.[/spoiler] The man smiles as his bullets ping off you. Strange. But as your lasers near him, something else rises from the ground this time - ash. Cinders from the burnt earth rise and create chunks of cover that blocks the lasers. "Always be aware of your surroundings." His blue firestorm comes from behind you and engulfs you while you're in the air.

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  • Shab! *Cannon cuts his pack engines, dropping as the flames consume him. His suit's temperature control straining against the heat* Aaargh! *He cries out as his skin blisters under the suit as he hits the ground and rolls, coming up on his knees*

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  • He comes face to face with the Pyromaniac as he rests his wooden blade on Cannon's shoulder with one hand and clutching his injured shoulder with the other. "You're good, Cannon Lok. I do not hold answers for you here, but if you choose to proceed and further your combat skills you will find them." The man raises his wooden sword and waves his hand, the blisters on Cannon's skin tingling with pain for a moment... Before all of his wounds and bruises sear and knit themselves shut with a burst of heat, healing him.

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  • Edited by Cannon011: 11/11/2016 5:34:29 AM
    "Wow... That just happened. So, am I considered "worthy' now?" Cannon asks as he turns off the thermal detonators in his hands nad rises to his feet, bending to retrieve his fallen rifle.

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  • His hand is intercepted by the man's wooden sword as he reaches for the laser rifle. "Not quite. Draw your sabre, Cannon Lok. Allow an old bird a good sword fight." He held out his wooden sword as it burnt with a blue fire, revealing a finer weapon somehow hidden in the wood. A mechanical katana scabbard with detailed Oriental designs and a fuel barrel attached to the mouth of it. The man held the sheathe near his hip and gripped the handle. "Are you ready?"

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  • "Elek (yes)." Cannon replies in Mando'a as he draws his beskad, which is covered in ancient Mandalorian runes, and raises it in a salute before taking uo a defensive stance.

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  • "Engarde," the man says with a faint smile. He gives a slight bow of respect before beginning to circle around the Mando. 'Here in the Dojo there are all types of warriors. Gunslingers, mages, swordsmen, and sometimes a combination of everything. You'll find people and strange things from different worlds. Try not to worry about it."

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  • Cannon laughs. "You've obviously never been to Mandalore. Back home, oddballs are the norm. Not the exception." He feigns a slash before jabbing at the man's stomach.

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  • He twists and allows the slash to graze off of his thick leather overcoat, which was surprisingly protective against the blade. While he did this he raised his sheathed katana and brought out the blade halfway, smashing the pommel into Cannon's shoulder armour. He seemed to know that no regular slash would do any damage to such armour. "I may not have been to your home world, but I've been here long enough," the strange man says with a chuckle.

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  • Cannon twists with the blow, bringing his armored elbow into the man's lower back with some force. "Your not to bad, old man. I didn't catch your name." He says as he steps back, crouching in a defensive stance.

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  • He is knocked forward by the blow, soon turning around to face Cannon with his sheathed sword held tight in hand. "My name is but an old and forgotten title, Cannon Lok. It seems that all I am nowadays is a fairy tale; old and forgotten names. But if anyone asks who tested you at the Gates of the Dojo? Tell them the Dead Peacekeeper gave you entrance. It is an old name and not many will remember it, but cherish those who do." The Peacekeeper rushes forward and whirls around with a flourish, smacking the long butt of the scabbard into Cannon's solar plexus to wind him. He then draws his katana and attempts to smash the blunt side into the back of Cannon's armoured head.

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  • Cannon twists away from the blow, lessening the impact and catches the sword on his left gauntlet. "Peacekeeper, huh. Interesting title there." With a flick of his wrist the Mandalorian ejects a series of curved blades from his gauntlet[spoiler]think batman gloves[/spoiler], catching the sword between them and pulling as he kicks at the man's stomach with his steel boot.

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  • The sword Cannon pulled was only half-drawn, so the Peacekeeper allowed it to be pulled away only to bring the sheath down on Cannon's leg as he kicked at him. He then twisted his blade in Cannon's gauntlet spikes and pulled it out, hitting the side of his knee with the blunt side.

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  • Cannon drops as his knee buckles, falling into a crouch and launching himself forward, slamming into the man's stomach full force, his wrist blades extended.

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  • Surprisingly, the Peacekeeper doesn't make any attempt to budge. In fact he just smiled as the driving force of Cannon's wrist blades tear through his coat and into his flesh. "Thank you for obliging an old bird, Cannon Lok. You've done well. A shame we can't continue this fight much longer, you're path lies elsewhere." Even more strange - no bleed seeped through the wound. Only a faint smattering of embers and cinders trailed from the stabs.

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  • "What in te Manda...?" Cannon staggers back, thoroughly confused and slightly shocked. "How the haran are you not dead? Or even bleeding? What kind of mystical osik is this?" He backs away, bending to retrieve his rifle, obviously cautious of this new turn of events.

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  • The man chuckles slightly. His Filipino face is that of a young adult, around 20-25... Yet his eyes had the maturity of a wise man. Someone old. His black hair attributed to this. It was spiked near the front and composed of black and grey strands. Strange. "Do you believe in ghost stories, Mandolorian? Ah, it is of no matter. My only regret is not being able to fully fave you in combat. Your place in this world and mine are two very different roads. But bless you, Cannon Lok, for giving this old bird a good sword duel."

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  • Cannon nods, lowering his blaster. "I've seen my fair share of ghosts. Can I enter now? My mission is one of importance to my people, and the faster I finish, so sooner I can return home."

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  • "Enter. If anyone asks who tested you upon entry, show them this symbol," the Peacekeeper says as he draws a symbol in the dirt. It was a small icon of a Phoenix within an ember. [spoiler]Refer to my emblem for what it looks like.[/spoiler] "Much like my name it is an old symbol and not many will remember it. But if any doubt you, seek out one of the older Lieutenants and show them this. They will understand. May your blaster aim true and your blades stay keen, Cannon Lok. Go forth."

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