originally posted in:The New Dojo
She nodded, and sighed, tired.
This whole thing took a lot out of her, and she was more worn than she had felt since......well, she'd rather not go into her time as a lab rat
"Now, listen, if you want to talk, tell me, okay? About anything. I know it must be tough, not knowing where Alex is."
"I....I'm scared, I....I think he's dead or worse, that man is.....doing unspeakable things to him, like.....like they did to me" she said with a whimper
"Who was the man? Give me a name, Beta. I can tell you if he's in trouble or not."
"I don't know! I wish I did but I don't know! it was some cowboy.....drew his gun faster than anything He mentioned Alpha's crew, so maybe that's why?"
"Alpha's crew... Think I heard if it. Arrowhead, I think it's called. Know a guy in it, I'll ask if they know about a cowboy. Would that help?"
"T-thank you......please, I just want my brother back" she whimpered, still sore and tired, but frightened, frightened that people like that would shoot her just because she was related to someone whom they decidedly hated
"I'll get him back. I promise. If not me, somebody else. Only question is why? Why would they wanna take a guy like Alpha? Not like they could get any information out of him..."
"I don't know, he didn't tell me anything...."
"Well, that's enough of that, I'd say. You need to rest up. Unless you want any food or anything?"
"I'm a little hungry, but I don't want to be any trouble"
"I have literally nothing else going on. What do you want to eat?"
"What ever you make would be fine"
"I can make literally anything."
"Whatever you like is fine"
"Just tell me something."
"Eggs?......can goats even eat those?"
"What's a goat?" [b]Ry was confused to say the least.[/b]
"Look it up, it's.....basically what I am, but four legged" she said, blushing because when she moved her leg, it hurt a little so she literally bleated in surprise
[b]Ry almost laughed. Almost. It wasn't the fact that she was in pain, rather that she had bleated out of nowhere.[/b] "I'll have to look them up later. Sounds interesting."
"it's not funny!" She went redder
"I'm sorry, but just the sudden noise. What do you even call that?"
"I-I think i-it's called bleating...." she mumbled, extremely self-conscious
"Why was that so funny to me? Guess I'll have to figure that out later..."
"...." She looked very embarrassed, her fur actually tinted pink on her face as she went beet red under the fur
"Hey... It's okay. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing at the sound you made." [b]Ry puts a hand on Beta's arm, trying to calm her down.[/b]