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11/11/2016 6:05:45 AM

An average players thoughts of Exotics

I'm not the best at pvp, i'm average at best. Use to be really bad but I kept at the grind and tried my best ti "git gud." I got to the avergae of a 1.0 kd and I'm pretty happy with that. I try and maintain positive per each match, and usually i succeed. I have good matches, I have bad. Just like everyone else. In the past balance have been honestly not the best, but recently I think it's been getting better. It's not perfect, but it's a start. I thought I'd share my own average players thoughts on exotics (I will also be including the unique gun you get from the gun smith) I'll start with weapons Fabian Strategy: this gun feels a lot better since it's previous buff and I truly believe it's almost on par with the ace of spades and tlaloc. Increase the range from 25-30 or increase the point in which the damage falloff begins Hardlight: One of my favorite designed weapons in the game, a weapon that (basically) makes you become a stormtrooper with an auto riffle. A decrease of 20% to the screen shake would be nice Khvostov 7G-0X: honestly this gun felt like a letdown, I was very hyped for my favorite weapon in the game to be getting an exotic version but it was pretty bad. I haven't used it since i got it, and I still prefer the normal version over the exotic. I honestly don't know what to do with this gun Suros Regime: In PvE, please give the "Suros Legacy" a buff for the proc chance on health return Ace of Spades: Increase the Stability from 32 to 36 TLW: A touchy subject but i'll try my best. This gun feels great in the right hands, it's fun to use and in the current shotgun meta it's really fun to punish shotgun rushers. The main thing i wanna talk about is it's exotic perk "Last Word." This gun was designed to be hip fired most of the time, but right now I say nearly 70% of the time I find myself ADSing instead. Increase the damage from body shots when hip firing from 66 to 68 Hawkmoon: I remember using my friends account before I was able to buy my own xbox one and everything else, hawkmoon was amazingly good. It felt so nice using this gun, I feel in love instantly. I still like this gun but I want to love this gun again, I want to use it again. But the fact is it's just so bad right now. Decrease the bloom value on this gun by 15%, and if that is too much then try 10% instead of 15 Thorn: We all have our own opinion of it, but as it stands without it's exotic perk it's a average hand cannon at best. I would personally love to see a remake of its exotic perk, instead of giving a dot damage, maybe do something like viking funeral in where it increase the damage you take from all sources Red Death: Increase both crit shot damage and body shot damage by 3, and maybe add to its exotic perk to increase melee damage? It would make sense, seeing how there is a useless knife attached to it Boolean Gemini: I just recently picked it up again out of curiosity, and I am still going to test it out a bit more, but I honestly save I really like this gun now. The only thing I have to say about this gun is that the extra armor/agility from the perks don't feel too impactful. Increase them both by 15% and work from there Touch of Malice: Love the design of the gun, however it's completely useless outside of the raid. A few proposals I have for allowing this gun to thrive outside of kingsfall are: buff touch of mercy from 3 to 2 kills for procing, decreasing the damage you take from touch of malice, unnerfing it so it can be comboed with overshield abilities (bubble/flameshield) but increase the damage you take until that blue shield disappears Telesto: This gun is one of the three that fight for my favorite exotic spot (chaperon, dark drinker, telesto) but I still feel like i put myself at a disadvantage when i use this gun. Please increase the range of this gun from 35 to 40 Chaperone: Please fix the hit detection on this gun, it's suppose to be the "shotgun with the highest range" but it never feels like it as i usually have to use 2 shots Universal Remote: Give it back 25% of the range you took from it from the previous nerf (so from 75% to 50%) 4th Horseman: Another grand gun to look at, but it's still very horrible. Firstly please just let this gun have some range. Increase it from it's measly 5 to at least 10, preferably 12, and take off fitted stock. Replace it with Riffled Barrel/Reinforced Barrel Dreg's Promise: You remember this gun? You know that new one you made, trespasser? Trespasser is what Dreg's promise should of been. Increase tracking and get rid of it's "exotic perk" "reserve ammo" and replace it with something else, maybe either close and/or personal or a new perk that just does something to make this gun better Patience and Time: Increase camo time and decrease camo cooldown time *The rest of these exotics are year 1 and I would love to see them make a return in year 3* Necrochasm: Feels great right now, however I wish you'd take off the blanket nerf to auto reserve ammo you made back when you nerfed doctrine Vex Mythoclast: I want to love this gun, but it's just a former shadow of it's glory. I can't really find any numbers but please return some of its strength, at least to the point in where it's a viable option Pocket infinity: I feel like it's in a great place, just wanna make sure you don't forget about it if/when you give us our year 1 exotics into year 3 :D Ice breaker: hands down the most famous sniper in the entire game, I feel like now more then ever it should return. Snipers aren't in much use (outside of the truly skilled) and the raid is no longer "sit back and snipe." Increase it's base stability from 15 to 25 and just completely bar it's use in trials (Same thing with invective could be argued, but you don't really see that gun anyways) Susano-o Replace Injection mold with Riffled Barrel Stillpiercer: its a great gun but it doesn't feel unique, all it has is perfectionist and enhanced radar and many other guns can get these perks. Immobius and Susano-o have unique perks that interact/change your playstyle around classes so do that to stillpiercer. Replace self-spotter and give this gun a perk that interacts with a subclass of the hunter Armor: Skull of Dire Ahamkara: make it go back to being able to survive a golden gun shot if they don't have keyhole The Stag: Replace "Chance to spawn with overshield" to "Chance of getting an overshield on precision kills" with a 30s cooldown in PvP and 20s cooldown in PvE Astrocyte Verse: I like the idea of it interacting with blink but you need to fix it Voidfang Vestments: I know this is an unpopular opinion but fix it so you only respawn with full grenade if your using axion bolt, i see too many people taking advantage of this despite not even being a voidwalker Alchemist's Rainment: Now gives extra glimmer for every kill or assist you get, super orbs give more energy recharge and more grenade/ melee charge once super is full Lucky Raspberry: Gives 2 arcbolt grenades Don't Touch Me: Decrease cooldown on camo perk, also now gives you camo whenever you melee someone. Achlyophage Symbiote: Remove the decreased time for GG ATS/8 ARACHNID: Now highlights enemies on screen when using golden gun Knucklehead Radar: Now instead of 3rd eye for primaries, it now highlights enemies on your screen when you damage someone, there is no limit and enemies stay highlighted for 5-7s. You can see highlighted enemies behind cover Skyburners Annex: Change ammo gain from special to heavy, this perk doesn't activate during PvP. Immolation Fists: Now gives additional super energy when felling an enemy with your fire Ruin Wings: Make them work how the raid gauntlets work but for every enemy And finally the most important part of balancing...ORNAMENTS FOR EVERY EXOTIC! *A few Ideas* OG Suros An actual complete rose skin for Thorn Touch of Niceness- make it look all nice and make the ball a floating smile face or something Do something similar to storm's reproach on the chaperone, since it's suppose to be a very old but refreshed gun Dreg's Potato: A potato with a stick as a handle that shoots potatoes A remote for universal remote give ornaments for each of the exotic swords that makes it's element stick out even more Give Super Good advice two ornaments: Super good advice and super bad advice, make each one either actually talk to your character (similar to lord shaxx in crucible in where only you can hear it in PvP) or text appears. Super good advice is all kind and actually helpful while Super Bad Advice is all sassy and gives obvious/falty advice. Any opinion you have for buffs to exotics? Place them down below

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