Hello bungie
I recently started playing destiny again and I'm disappointed not in the gameplay or the new DLCs (haven't played since house of wolves) the only complaint I have is right before I stepped away from the game I spent the time to get to rank 5 in iron banner just to get the assault rifle and now tht I've started playing again it's completely useless is there any way we can get an update to be able to ascend guns and armor from year one to year 3 status u told us we would have a story for every piece of gear we had and that was the one gun I wanted to take with me on my ten year journey to become legend. Thank you for your time and I hope you really look into this.
Should we be able to ascend year 1 weapons and armor to year 3 stats?
It would be cool to ascend year 1 weapons. I really want to use Corrective Measure in all game modes, that gun is pretty fun. But I don't think it'll happen. There were a lot of overpowered weapons in yr1 like the pocket infinity (which I use in normal crucible from time to time).