For those of you who wonder what I am talking about you have to look no further than a simple feedback topic on this site to get a gander at the cancer that is slowly eating away at this game and what has allowed it to get to such a terrible state in the first place.
Almost every time you will find replies like "OMG you are so entitled" "Wow what a bunch of Crybabies" "If you don't like the game then just quit playing", say anything negative about Bungie in the slightest and you get attacked by their apologists and fanboys, who, I might add, seem to think that anything that Bungie does is a god send to the players.
Say anything about Silver and you are met with "Lol poor kids" "You're just salty because you can't afford it" or if it is silver packages you get the typical "LOL IT'S RANDOM YOU RETARD QUIT YOUR [b]F[/b]UCKING COMPLAINING".
There are also people that pretty much just don't care and think everything is fine the way it is. It's like living in a house that has a big floor in the middle of it a going "Yeah this is cool...just gotta avoid the hole" meanwhile the hole just keeps getting larger. You could be living in a really nice house without the hole if you just spoke up about it and got it fixed.
But let's break down why the typical fanboy insults and excuses are just plain terrible:
"OMG you are so entitled"
Well, congrats on this one, it's probably the most idiotic excuse anyone can ever give for paid product. Newsflash, people paid for a product, when they feel as though they have been cheated out of their money or the product was not up to par they have every right to complain about the product in question. Being entitled would mean they got the product for free and still decided to complain about it. You can say "But the updates were free", but you had to have the latest "Expansion" to use and there is a good chance it came out of the previous bit of money that was accrued from the purchase of other Destiny content and merchandise.
"Wow what a bunch of crybabies"
This one I personally love because it displays the utter lack of intelligence that fanboys/apologists have and proves my point that they think everything is a godsend from Bungie. Not every change has been a good one in Destiny, a good example being the circle nerfs that involves Bungie thinking that because something is overused it must be overpowered and it must be nerfed instead of thinking on how they could actually balance things properly. Again, most people are told to just "Git gud" and valid complaints are usually pointed out as someone just being bad at the game when in reality it is an actual problem.
There have even been a few times it was over things that Bungie promised to uphold and went back on not even several months later or just lied about outright, but people still used as their main source of ammo in their fanboy powered machine gun of hate.
"If you don't like the game then just quit playing"
This is probably the one that legitimately makes me angry. Most players who are asking for change are not asking it to cry, and bitch and moan. They actually legitimately like the game and want it to be as great as they think or once thought it was. They make complaints and constant feedback threads so Bungie will actually get off their asses and hopefully fix things. They do all of this, again, not to create a problem, but to create a game that everyone can enjoy and have fun with....not be the grind heavy mess that it has now become. They love the game, but hate what Bungie is doing to it.
Anything regarding Silver.
I'm sorry, but this is pure stupidity at it's finest. Most games get panned hard for adding micro-transactions. If you don't want to believe that just go look at Dead Space 3 or a myriad of other games that suffered low review scores because they decided to add micro-transactions to their game for no other reason other than to milk the players.
Sure, it's just customization items for now, but look at Overwatch or any other game that has the ability to allow you to customize your player. Even if they are in random boxes, players still have a way to earn them in game as well, whether it be the boxes themselves or they just buy the skin they want outright. On top of that they don't require another stupid consumable just to add the customization to a character or piece of gear. Even in games where you just have to buy the customization out right it's not random, you get what you pay for.
The way Silver is handled in Destiny is absolutely shitty to the players, especially when you design an event around masks and Halloween type themes and then suddenly decide to make it worse and more micro-transaction dependent than last year.
Also, as a final note, there are people that can easily afford to get Silver and the packages, they choose not to because they actually have principles and despise micro-transaction which has, can, and will destroy games.
My final point in this is: Destiny can be a great game. A game that everyone loves and that people would flock to and play. The problem is the fanboys attack anyone that has the smallest complaint and it drives people further away from the game. On top of this, Bungie only seems to accept positive reinforcements from the community (most of the time) and it comes from those that are apathetic and fan-boyish. Overall it has made the game and community seem worse than what it really is.
We have the power to make this the Destiny we wanted, but in order to do that we have to let Bungie know that we are displeased, we have to let them know that we are not rabid fanboys and apologists that think they are God's gift to gaming, and we can't just be apathetic with everything and act like it doesn't affect us one way or the other.
Edit: Man I do love that I pointed out the bad tendacies of people in the community (doesn't matter how small they still do it) and all people can think to do is bash me for it and defend them.
Even funnier is the exact people I was talking about decided to show up and do and say the exact things I described. It amazing that no one sees the irony in that whatsoever.
Edit 2: To the people that think this is about me pigeonholing people as fanboys for liking the game, it's not. If you are happy with the game I respect that opinion, even though I disagree with it.
What I don't like is the people who constantly act like everyone should be ok with it just because they are. Even worse are the people that purposefully attack ANYONE that has any differentiating opinion from "Bungie and Destiny are the best things ever".
Seeing the same insults day in and day out since this game's inception, whenever anyone has said anything negative, gave an actual constructive criticism, or just said they didn't personally like a certain feature or lack of feature, but still loved the game, has gotten old, so I decided to point them out and try to say why they are wrong for doing so.
People who constantly hate on the game and provide no solutions are not helping either. It's a balance. It doesn't make you any smarter or aware if you get emotional and think Bungie is out to screw you over. It doesn't help Destiny at all to tell others that they are ignorant sheep. It doesn't help Destiny to name call and pigeonhole people into groups such as fanboys. ITS AN OPEN FORUM. People are going to throw shit like monkeys and give their take on whatever you post, it's their right as much as yours. However, they don't change the game... Bungie does. You would be better served by giving and directing your feed back at them instead of the community itself.
Edited by Swiftlock: 11/12/2016 12:01:07 AMMmm, no. I'm pretty sure a very small vocal minority is not what holds the game back. To think so is just silly. Poor design choices, corporate influence, and a lack of being in proper touch with the community is what makes Destiny so weak right now.
Way too many words. I didn't read it. I will say one thing though..... 😭 baby
There is a fine line between constructive criticism and whining. You sir, fall into the latter category. Would you like some cheese?
Yep calling people whos opinions differ from yours fanboys, etc is super productive and mature. #hypocrisy
I didn't read all of this but I read enough to know I disagree with almost everything you said. Many players are entitled crybabies. Those players are ruining the game for the rest of us and they should go play something else.
You made a post talking about rabid, fanboyish personalities who think every ounce of criticism or opinions is considered whining and/or a jab to their precious company. And on this very post, 95% of the comments are rabid and fanboyish. I'm sorry. Godspeed for the amount of ignorance you're about to receive.
Oh? I thought it was communism.... [spoiler]..goddamned reds.[/spoiler]
I know !! I dont like anyone elses opinions of a game but my own .. so I'm gonna write a wall O text about it.
Completely not a fan boy. I realize bungie is the game's worst enemy. That in mind you know what else I know. It is just a damn game and I have way more important things to concern myself with. Second this is THEIR sand box we are playing in. If for any reason I get fed up I have one and only one option. I can leave. If I do it won't mean jack. If everyone does they are done. That is the democracy of the game. So long as we are throwing money at the screen then our voices here don't mean jack. Honestly Have you seen replies from the guys at bungie to concerns? You would think they invented the term let them eat cake cause that is about their usual response outside of Cosmo that they hired to be good cop. Man hell of a job that is around here. Any way I see what you are saying but don't take it that those replies are fan boy responses. Most have just come to realize we can either play or leave and that is about it. We have all watched the game change in ways we hate for so long we just play on with what ever is left to use.