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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Will: 11/13/2016 10:55:11 PM
[i]Wow..those gates are impressive, the girl thought to herself as she ascended the steps to the Dojo, going up the hillside. The [url=]girl[/url] in question was one no older than twenty years old, perhaps that age exactly. Long, auburn hair flowed down her shoulders and framed her pretty face, complimenting the white dress she wore, that went down to her knees. Her body was supplemented with nice curves, but nothing obnoxious. The plunging neckline of the dress didn't leave her much for modesty though. Soft, light grey eyes complimented her hair and stood out especially so thanks to the dress. She carried a small black backpack on her shoulder, one that didn't seem massively packed, which she held with one hand as she climbed. It didn't have much shape either, so it was filled with clothes more than likely. Like all people who came to the Dojo, she carried a weapon with her, even if it wasn't much. A [url=]sword[/url], was lashed around her waist. A katana in nature, with the curved black sheathe, but it had a sci-fi feel to it. She'd come from the Ko-Rudo mountains, across the desert, and now she was there, she thought as she crested the final stair and walked to the Dojo gates, rapping sharply on the gates. [/i] "Hello?! Uh, is this the Dojo? I'm kinda looking to get inside!" [i] She yelled, and mentally kicked herself. Where else would she be besides the Dojo with gates like this?[/i] (Open, character intro.)

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    [i]After the girl had yelled out her request to get inside of the place of combat, the massive wooden and metal doors creaked, and began to slowly, but steadily, open up. Her pathway was completely clear, except for the one standing in her way. [/i] [i]The figure was a female, standing straight and talk at a height of six foot three inches, her body athletically thin and with an hourglass posture. The woman had slight curves, nothing that would stand out or draw too much attention. Her clothing consisted of a dark leather longcoat, with a recently cleaned white fabric shirt completed with a handkerchief protruding from its stylish neckpiece. She had style, to say the least. A brown and velvet red cape had been cast upon her left shoulder, slightly tattered yet clearly cared for over the years. The pants to the outfit appeared to be leather, alongside the laced up combat boots and gauntlets that she bore.[/i] [i]The woman's face was unique, to say the least. Angular and sharp, her cheeks were high yet shallow, while her mouth was contorted into a slight grin. The woman's face was amazingly pale, practically the color of snow, while her eyes were crystalline blue. Her platinum blonde hair was tied back in a long ponytail, as a black leather tricorne hat sat upon her head, complete with a pure white pigeon feather.[/i] [i]The only weapon that the woman bore was concealed in a long brass sword sheath, and while the handle protruded from its holster, so did a secondary weapon; a sharp, serrated dagger appeared to protrude from the end of the handle, while it looked as if it could be broken off from whatever the main weapon was. An interesting sword, to say the least. [/i] [u]"So you're the one yelling, right?"[/u] [i]Irina had just recently joined the Dojo, aligned herself with the NCR and became a tester, but she doubted she had to test this girl. She didn't mind; it was necessary to do so at times. Irina spoke with a calm voice filled with serenity, yet also complimented with an Italian accent. It was an interesting combination.[/i] [u]"...And yes. This is the Dojo, place of learning and combat...I guess you seek entrance, then? You're definitely armed and prepped, I can respect that. Nothing too crazy."[/u]

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  • "Yes..that's me." [i] She said, steadily and confidently, but in a lower tone. She shrugged the backpack over her shoulder and pulled up the line of her dress a bit, her..ample cleavage didn't help her much though. [/i] "And, uh, I've never actually been in a fight. It's my dad's sword he gave me." [i] She said with a shrug, walking forward towards Irina and the opened gates.[/i] "I'm Eve." [i] She said with a cheery smile, extending her small hand in greeting. Her fingernails were painted a bright yellow.[/i]

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    [i]The Vileblood's slight grin widened as Eve drew closer, while her gloved hand reached out and clasped the young girl's hand with a firm, yet soft grip. Irina didn't mind too much about how the girl's supposed inexperience with the bladed weapon; what mattered to her was that she had the courage to come to this place, and hopefully try to learn from the inhabitants here.[/i] [u]"Irina. It's a pleasure to meet you, Eve. Just a quick question, but would you happen to know anyone here on a personal level? Perhaps a family or friend? Just wondering."[/u]

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  • "No." [i] She shook her head, glancing past Irina into the town, but looking back at her and withdrawing her hand, placing them at her sides.[/i] "Why do you ask?"

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    [u]"Usually, people don't get tested if they know someone, but..."[/u] [i]For her own reasons, Irina didn't glimpse back, keeping her eyes upon Eve as she kept speaking. [/i] [u]"...Doesn't matter too much. If you want to be tested, it's fine. Then again, this place pretty much lets in everyone."[/u]

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  • Edited by Will: 11/14/2016 12:58:14 AM
    "Uh, I'd rather not." [i] She says with a nervous laugh, scratching the back of her neck sheepishly.[/i] "I just kinda need somewhere to stay, if they have that here."

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    [u]"Oh. That's fine too. I hope it is, anyway."[/u] [i]Irina wasn't particularly sure if people could simply live within the Dojo - but she didn't mind too much. She smirked slightly about Eve's nervous laughter though, as if she found amusement within it.[/i]

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  • Edited by Will: 11/14/2016 3:11:04 AM
    "I'm gonna hopefully go find somewhere to eat first to join me Irina?" [i] She questions, tilting her head slightly in question with a smile[/i]

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    [u]"Eh. Sure, I'll come along. Thanks."[/u] [i]The woman clearly didn't have anything better to do, and that was the honest truth; Irina had nothing to do, other than to hunt down some of the Legion's soldiers for Grant and the NCR. She didn't mind coming alongside Eve for a quick bite though.[/i]

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  • [i] Eve wandered aimlessly in a random direction, until they came to a small cafe. They went inside, where it was set up like a classic '50's diner, lots of silver and red and blue. They sat down at a booth, where a waitress promptly asked them what they'd like to drink.[/i] "A water's fine." [i] She replied.[/i]

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    [u]"Pepsi's fine. If you have any."[/u] [i]Irina spoke with a calm, collected voice - although it was almost a whisper. Evident by now, she wasn't the biggest socializer, and was surprised that people didn't go into a panic due to her very presence.[/i]

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  • "Yep, sure." [i] The waitress left and came back with two glasses, setting them on the table.[/i] "I'll let you guys sit and think on what to order, I'll be back." [i] She smiled and left, Eve taking a sip through a straw of her ice water.[/i] "So, Irina, are you Italian?" [i] She says, tilting her head slightly in question. [/i]

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    [i]Irina murmured a slight "Thanks" to the waitress, sipping ever so slightly from the glass of Pepsi she had. Both of her light blue eyes found themselves upon Eve, before she sat down the drink and smirked a little. [/i] [u]"Italian descent, yes. Something about family moving from Italy from a while back, then heading off to Yharnam. Y'know, Irina is a Russian name. Sorta ironic."[/u]

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  • A blaster shot rings through the air and the gate flys open, followed by half a dozen Lennys running out. "Get back here you freaks!" A Mandalorian barges out, firing his blaster at them as they run. "I will have my bounty!" The Lennys slam into you, knocking you off your feet as they stampede away. The Mandalorian stops and raises his blaster, sending a trio of bolts through the nearest one's back. It disappears in a poof of smoke as the others teleport away. The Mandalorian sweeps the area with his weapon before noticing the girl. "Sorry about that. Let me help you up." He offers his hand.

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  • [b]I hear the girl calling over the gates, knocking on them too. I was standing right by the gates, so the loud knocking was pretty much vibrating through the walls into my body. Was damn annoying, but a new arrival is always good to have. Always talking to the same people nowadays, never anyone new. So, needless to say, I was excited. I kick the gates open, sending them flying to the sides. Girl was lucky she wasn't a few inches closer or hell, even centimeters, probably would've slammed into her. Wasn't thinking quite clearly. I stepped out into plain view. I was wearing my NCR Ranger Combat Armor, a duster over some Combat Armor. I had my helmet on too, looked kinda a like a gas mask, just flat. I only had one weapon on me, a .45 Auto pistol, A Light Shining In Darkness, a gift from my friend Joshua Graham. I took a good, long look at the girl. And... I thought she dressed like a hooker. Seems like most people did these days. Wouldn't change the way I thought about her, but it certainly had a factor on first impressions.[/b] "Hey there, little lady. What brings you up to our fine Dojo? Besides wanting in, of course."

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  • [i] She waves slightly, smiling and tilting her head slightly, showing two rows of perfect white teeth. The dress wasn't exactly hooker-ish, just wasn't very modest in the torso area. Her..ample cleavage didn't help much either, but the length was fine, going down to her knee. [/i] "Hey, I, uh, heard it was a big hub of I wanted to check it out." [i] She said, her voice steady and not low, confident in her speech.[/i]

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  • [b]I smiled behind my helmet. She was cheery, if a little nervous. I could tell she didn't want to say the wrong thing to me, but it's not like I'd shoot her or some shit. I ain't like that. I step aside from the doors.[/b] "I guess we best get you started meeting people then, huh ?"

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  • "I can start with steps and all that." [i] She says with a laugh, a bright and cheery, happiness filled one. She walks towards the gates and Grant, extending her small hand. Her fingernails were painted a bright yellow.[/i] "I'm Eve."

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  • [b]I shake her hand with my own gloved one. I was actually pretty happy we had a newcomer. Everyone else was boring.[/b] "Grant. Ranger Grant. NCR Ranger, 13 Battalion, Ranger Station Omega."

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  • "Military?" [i] She says curiously, tilting her head slightly as she readjusted the sword at her hip a bit. The sword, which was akin to a katana, had a cyberpunk vibe to it. Technologically advanced, but not ridiculously so. [/i]

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  • "Yep. Serve in the New California Republic. Best damn military this side of the Old World." [b]And that was when one of those idiot fûcking crimson retards started running at me with a machete. I got out A Light Shining In Darkness, and shot him seven times. All in the head. He didn't have much of it left. Blood sprayed over me, covering my armor and helmet.[/b] "And that's the Legion. They want the NCR dead."

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  • "Oh.." [i] She said, her red, full lips forming into a small "O" as he shot the man.[/i] "Good to know.." [i] She said, still slightly in awe of what the man had just did.[/i]

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  • "You uh... You okay, kid? You don't like killin or somethin?"

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  • "I don't tend to make a habit of it.." [i] She says quietly, walking into the Dojo and not glancing back towards the corpse.[/i]

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  • "Eh, I can respect that." [b]I walk in behind her, closing the gates behind us.[/b]

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