originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]The blade looked straight out of a Cyberpunk setting, something John regularly visited in VR trips through his time in the Dojo. When he shook her hand, his was cold and metallic feeling, as if it was made of pure metal.
"You as well. Uh, quick question: What's your thoughts on magic?" [/i]
"Uh." [i] She paused, caught off guard by such a question. [/i] "I don't really know, it's cool I guess..?" [i] She says questioningly, not entirely sure on how to answer such a question. The blade did indeed have a cyberpunk vibe to it, something that looked like Lance would've carried back in Cedeyetica. [/i] "I've never met anyone who could use it, so I'm kinda neither here nor there on it."
[i]"Trust me, you'll get a feel with all the magicians around this place." With a deep chuckle to accompany his words, JT because once upon a time the Dojo had literal gods walking among the entire place. Now it's just the children of Satan that you'll see, oddly enough. "so based on that there sword design, I'll guess you're either from a Tech-based place or you just really like Blade Runner?"[/i]
[i] She tilted her head in confusion, looking down at the sword and back up at John.[/i] "No, my dad gave it to me. He's in the Ko-Rudo mountains, where I've lived in a cabin for most of my life." [i] She says, glancing past John and into the town, back to him.[/i] "It's a katana though, and I love them." [i] She says, stating like John didn't know what it was. She didn't mean it to sound like that though, she was just trying to show her knowledge. And thus, showed how little she knew.[/i]
[i]"Trust me, I know. Old friend, 'least I think he's a friendly, he had like three of them." JT didn't know shit about Lance so he thought there was only three swords. Though either way JT hadn't planned to run into him any time soon, not in the next couple of years. "What's your dad's name? I might know him, did a few jobs up there."[/i]
"Three katanas? Woah." [i] She says, her mouth dropping slightly in surprise. Who the hell carried three swords? [/i] "His name's Michael, isn't really the social type though. Stays in the cabin most of the time and paints." [i] She says with a shrug. [/i]
[i]JT had two gladius swords, The Dancer's twin swords, and maybe six guns on his body so three katanas paled in comparison to his kit, though some would argue that JT overcompensates. "Ah. Yeah, I don't know him, sorry kid. You'll love the Dojo though, just mind the magicians and anthros."[/i]
[i] She shrugged[/i] "Didn't expect you too. And I will, thanks for the warning." [i] She says with a slight giggle. She was mildly disappointed though, her dad spent so much time with one, and someone carried three? She wanted to meet him. What other wonders did this Dojo hold? [/i] "Is there somewhere I can get something to eat? Maybe change into something a little more.." [i] She looked down at the dress.[/i] "Suitable?"
[i]"We got a couple of food places in the village down at the bottom of the hill and a Starbucks up here. As for changing, there's a few clothing stores at the Village too."[/i]
"Starbucks sounds good." [i] She said with a smile, walking and then pausing, looking back.[/i] "Are you joining me or..?" [i] She asks curiously. [/i]
"What, you actually want a cowboy to talk about his cattle?" [i]JT sarcastically asked as he put either hand in his duster's pockets, before he started to walk with Eve. He was still livid at recent events though at least he was masking how pissed he was. [/i]
"Better than sitting around watching people stare at my chest." [i] She said with a wry chuckle. The only reason she'd worn the dress was in case someone important here, and she needed to look nice for a first impression. She didn't think she'd get to walk right in. She obviously wasn't oblivious to her..endowments either. [/i]
[i]"Fair enough. But don't expect a High Noon or Clint Eastwood joke from me anytime." JT was way too knowledgeable for his forty year old self on the matters of popular culture, and he definitely didn't hide that from anybody. [/i]
"I'll try not to." [i] She says with a chuckle, heading in the direction people were leaving from, holding Starbucks cups. Eventually, they found it and she ordered a triple chocolate chip frappe, with extra whip cream. [/i]
[i]JT just ordered his coffee black, because the writer typically goes to Tim Hortons and legitimately has no clue what's on a Starbucks menu. "So what brought you to th' Dojo?"[/i]
[spoiler]Its okay, The only reason I do is because my sister is a manager there lmao. They sell regular coffee plus a bunch of crazy shit like pumpkin flavored, vanilla, chocolate, etc. [/spoiler] "Adventure, I suppose. Someone to teach me how to actually use this thing." [i] She says, gesturing at the sword at her hip as they walk towards a table. Her father was good with one, but he was barely good enough to hold his own, let alone teach someone else. [/i]
[spoiler]The day that a double double is on the list is the day I'll start going. [/spoiler] [i]"Lookin' for a trainer? There's a few people who can hold their own around these parts. I can help with general combat but for specialized melee training, look for a guy named Wolfe. Dude's crazy good." [/i]
"I heard something about him. Soldier, right?" [i] She questions, sipping her drink through the straw and tapping her fingers on the table.[/i] "What about the guy with three katanas? My dad had heard things about someone, more of a myth than anything though. He's kind of a sword collector." [i] She smiles.[/i] "But if you're willing, that'd be great."
[i]"Firstly, yes. Wolfe's a soldier, one of the best. Secondly, triple-swordsman weeb is pretty elusive. I knew him for maybe sixteen years now and have seen him a total of three times. Lance May, was his name." JT smiled slightly as he relived the glory days of his past in his head, going over the same scenarios hundreds of times in VR so he wouldn't forget. He met most everyone and relived that all, but he only considered three people his actual friends way back when, and Lance was on that list. Times have changed but JT would still take a bullet for him, too loyal for his own good, like a dog. "And finally, I'm a gunman and a Brawler. If I trained you then you would only really know the basics considering I'm just now getting good with swords. You still taking that offer?"[/i]
[i] She grins widely, eyes twinkling with excitement. [/i] "Yeah, that'd be awesome. Learning how to use a sword better than what I can now would be helpful. Your Lance friend sounds like a decent guy too." [i] She says with smile, sipping From her drink. [/i]
[i]"Wouldn't say decent as much as shady nowadays, nor friend as much as acquaintence, but he's a damn good fighter." The twin gladius swords on JT's back were obvious though he had opened his duster, and on his hip were a pair of blades that once belonged to The Dancer and the ornate dagger Lance gave him, though he also had an assortment of combat bayonets, Jagdkommandos and even a small katana on the inside of his jacket. "Take your pick as to what you would like. One weapon only though, backup in case you get disarmed. That's kinda common 'round here."[/i]
[spoiler]PSA; a small katana is a wakizashi. Katana blades are 30 inches, while wakizashi's are like 24. [/spoiler] "Like, pick one of yours?" [i] She asked quizzically [/i]
[spoiler]Huh, the more you know. [/spoiler] [i]"Yeah, choose one. It's yours after. That twisty one is a Jagdkommando, stabbing weapon, almost impossible to patch the wounds. Bayonets are for stabbing and cutting, great survivalist tool. And the small sword there is a Wakazishi, AKA Samurai Seppuku tool."[/i]
"I'll take the twisty one." [i] She says with a laugh, grabbing the knife by the handle and withdrawing it, holding it in front of her eyes curiously. She runs a thumb along one of the edges, which draws a paper thin cut.[/i] "Ow." [i] She says, sucking the blood off by putting the pad of her thumb in her mouth. [/i]
[i]The green shaded blade had a total of three sides placed in a triangle, twisted to where one blade ends at the tip where the one to its left should be, and the grip of the twelve inch blade was in the same pattern as a grenade. The only colour on it that wasn't green was the black handguard. "Careful, those things are banned by NATO."[/i]