Since day one Bungie's concerns have been prioritized with keeping the PvP players happy. What about those of us who favor PvE? I wish I could indulge myself into the story, but there is none. The PvP aspect has not only stopped them progression of the story (due to it nit being a priority) but also effects how guns work in PvE. I know Destiny's life span is at an end so what I propose applies to Destiny 2.
1) have dedicated developers for PvE and PvP aspects of the game (because it is not one huge world, it is separated and should be treated as such)
2) have balances in PvP not effect PvE so we (the PvE players) are not screwed over due to an unbalanced PvP
3) finally, put lore in game, through a library of some sort.
I despise the PvP but constantly find myself being forced to play it due to lack of content, so I stopped. I've stopped playing Destiny and won't be back until I've seen major improvements to the PvE aspects. Other games are based solely around PvP so have something with so much potential as Destiny not be one of those games.
Edit- all of you seem to be mistaken or new players. Since before release Destiny was advertised in the format of "becoming legend" and "fighting back the forces of the darkness". Destiny has always had the spotlight on its PvE aspects when it's advertised. The PvP is killing Destiny faster then it's keeping it alive. Destiny was always and has always been advertised to appeal to the story side. Watch the trailers and most are heavy on the "new story missions" and "the new raid/any OvE content". The only reason why PvP is as popular as it is right now is due to twitch streamers banking off of twelve year olds who have nothing better to do. Don't start thinking that Bungie cares any more then the bare minimum about PvP, because they don't. Destiny is a overall failure as a game (from a development point of view) and should have had more time behind it. As I stated I stopped playing Destiny recently and won't cone back unless the "live events" are spectacular (which I doubt) and if (and only if) Destiny 2 is better then: Halo CE, Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST, and Reach combined. Bungie lost all credibility with over half its fanbase, and that's just those who got to experience Halo. Bungie has allot to do and if they ever want to get back into good favor with its fans and potential fans they had better step up.
Everything you just read is wildly supported, just take the time to look it up. No hate you throw my way will stop, or hinder, our protests and complaints about this game. Give me all you got because nothing you do will drown out our collective voices, and our wallets.
I honestly don't see how anyone can, with a straight face, say that PvP is the main focus of Destiny as a whole. Is it the primary concern of balance? Of course it is. But every expansion puts for more effort into PvE than PvP.