I'm sure most of us are pretty sad about the lack of elemental primaries. Sure, we have Supercell, but that's it. I think we should get some exotic elemental primaries, at the least. Here are some of my ideas:
Hard Light should be Arc. Have you seen the projectiles?
No Time to Explain should be Arc. Same reason as Hard Light.
Outbreak Prime should be Solar, like all other Splicer Toys.
Boolean Gemini should be Void. The projectiles agree.
Anyone have any other suggestions?
On a side note, did we really need two more exotic Solar heavy weapons in RoI? Right now, including both Gjallarhorn and Iron Gjallarhorn, we have 8 Solar, 2 Arc, and 2 Void. At least make Nemesis Star Void damage. "Strange Gravity" agrees.
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Does having elemental primaries really change the gameplay you that much?