originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Pan ran around the colosseum that held all of the fights going on. Her face had her signature smile on it as she hopped, skipped, and laughed. While all of this was going on you noticed Artemis running with her hair down, wearing a white duster, black tank top, and dark jeans. Artemis seemed to be chasing Pan.[/i]
[b]Artemis:[/b] "Pan, slow down!"
[b]Pan:[/b] "You can't catch me!"
[i]Artemis gets angry at being called a b*tch, but manages to calm down.[/i] [b]Artemis:[/b] "You shouldn't call people that. It's not nice."
*Elvis "I can call people what I want! Freedom of speech you jibronie!"
[i]Artemis walks away. Pan pats Elvis on the head.[/i] "Sis, you're something special."
*Elvis "Thanks! I hate you too sis!"
"And I hate you in everyway imaginable."
*Elvis "Aww, love you too!"
[i]Pan hops in place.[/i] "Have you been watching the fights?! I was hired as a ref!"
*Elvis "Really?! That's cool! I heard that that blue and grey dog guy doesn't seem close to ending his fight..."
[i]Pan nods.[/i] "His opponent won't reply for some reason."
Edited by Skatch142: 11/16/2016 2:23:19 PM[spoiler]We seem to have conflicting schedules IRL but we really haven't done much damage to eachother.[/spoiler] *Elvis "Well, they haven't really hurt eachother too badly... It looks like it will take much more than a broken tail to stop that dog guy."
"Broken tail? That sounds painful. Did you see the little boy with a tail?"
*Elvis "What little boy?"
"Celon I think is his name. He really kicked butt till the very end!"
*Elvis "Huh, that's cool, I guess. So what be doing much of the happening to you lately?"
"I've been slowly dying from the chaos energy inside me. You?"
*Elvis "Wait, what?!"
[i]Pan looks confused.[/i] "What, sis?"
*Elvis "YOU'RE DYING?!?!?!" *Elvis grabs her, shaking her as she shouts.* *Elvis "HOW DO I SAVE YOU, YOU ALMOST NUDIST!"
[i]Pan laughs at the outburst.[/i] [b]Pan:[/b] "You can't! I'm a dead man walking!"
*Elvis "You aren't even a man! I'm the crazy one around here! Something's wrong... What is the chaos energy?!"
[i]Pan shrugs.[/i] "It's an energy I manipulate to do the things I do."
*Elvis "It's driving you crazy, isn't it?!"
[i]Pan nods.[/i] "Yep! I'm losing all mental stability!"
*Elvis "How do I stop it?! How does it work!?"
"It can't be stopped, silly! It can be slowed down if I don't use my powers...but that's boring!"