originally posted in:The New Dojo
[i]Pan ran around the colosseum that held all of the fights going on. Her face had her signature smile on it as she hopped, skipped, and laughed. While all of this was going on you noticed Artemis running with her hair down, wearing a white duster, black tank top, and dark jeans. Artemis seemed to be chasing Pan.[/i]
[b]Artemis:[/b] "Pan, slow down!"
[b]Pan:[/b] "You can't catch me!"
[i]Pan gestures to herself.[/i] [b]Pan: [/b]"I am Pan. And this..." [i]She gestures to Artemis. [/i] [b]Pan:[/b] "Is Arty!" [b] Artemis:[/b] "I told you not to call me that."
"Pion. Ardee. You is Flapyap's friends!" The Grunt cheers, wattling happily in a little circle before hugging them with his stubby Grunt arms.
[i]Artemis grunts in annoyance as Pan hugs back with enthusiasm.[/i] Pan: "Yay! Friends! Now, lets go get that nipple!"
"Yes! But... Flapyap not know where it is." The Grunt sighs sadly.
[i]Pan sighs sadly as well while hanging her head. Artemis rolls her eyes at their stupidity.[/i] [b] Artemis:[/b] "Pan, really? You don't know?"
"Flapyap does know it here in doo-joo. Pion and Ardee help Flapyap look?"
[b]Artemis:[/b] "I'm out, cause I know where this is going and I'm not going to be blamed for it." [i]Artemis leaves as Pan nods at Flapyap.[/i] [b]Pan:[/b] "I'll help you, Flapyap!"
"Yay! Flapyap had vision from great gas god Farpy. He say Food Nipple is somewhere near big tree. Pion know big where be big trees?" Asks the Grunt, he seems quite happy.
[i]Pan takes the grunt by the hand and teleports them both to the largest tree in the Dojo.[/i] "Yep!"
"Yay! Flapyap start digging!" The Grunt waddles to the tree and bwgins clawing at the dirt around it's base with his little Grunty hands.
[i]Pan starts to dig with her hands.[/i] "What does the nipple look like?"
Flapyap reaches into a pouch on his belt and pulls put what can only be described as a sci-fi baby bottle, filled with a brown/green substance. "Like this! But bigger! Lots bigger. It will make Ungoy (Grunts) strong! Ungoy like Flapyap no need be scared anymore when have Great Food Nipple!"
[i]Pan makes a shovel out of nothing and continues to dig.[/i] "Food nipple or bust!"
Flapyap proceeds to tunnel down under the tree, disappearing down the hole he dug.
[i]Pan's digging is a little slower...her hole is an inch deep.[/i] "Have you found it yet?"
"Flapyap find something!" He tosses what appears to be a golden brick out the whole, followed by an engine block, a few diamonds, a human skull, a sword, a helmet, the one ring, a batarang, and the kitchen sink. "Not Food Nipple. Useless."
[i]Pan pockets the ring and a diamond.[/i] "That's too bad."
"We try other tree?" The Grunty asks, climbing out of the hole.
[i]Pan jumps in excitement.[/i] "Sure thing, friend!"
"Yay! It is good to have friends. Flapyap like having friends. Yes yes!"
[b]And that's when I came in running after them. Damn kids screwing around in the wrong place, fixing to get each other killed. I wore my NCR Ranger Combat Armor and my helmet, no weapons or anything.[/b] "Dammit kids you're gonna get yourselves hurt!"
[b]Artemis:[/b] "Try telling Pan that!" [b]Pan:[/b] "Hi, father!" [b]Artemis:[/b] "Father?!...Grant did say he had two crazy daughters...." [i]The two kept running around the outside of the arena.[/i]
[b]I run a little faster trying to catch up to Pan.[/b] "Pan, dammit, stop that! You're gonna get yourself killed in this place!"
[i]Artemis gets fed up with Pan and throws her weapon at her legs. Artemis' weapon, Gambol Shroud, wrapped around Pan's left foot and with a pull of the ribbon attached to it, Artemis tripped Pan. Pan fell face first, but showed no sign of pain as she rolled onto her back and laughed.[/i] [b]Pan:[/b] "You caught me!"
[b]I walk over. I look over at Artemis.[/b] "Thanks, Artemis. What the hell were you two doing anyway?" [b]I walk over to Pan, and pick her up off the ground. She was really light. Then again, that might just be the fact I'm strong enough to rip a minigun off a vertibird.[/b]