originally posted in:The New Dojo
"I've been slowly dying from the chaos energy inside me. You?"
*Elvis "Wait, what?!"
[i]Pan looks confused.[/i] "What, sis?"
*Elvis "YOU'RE DYING?!?!?!" *Elvis grabs her, shaking her as she shouts.* *Elvis "HOW DO I SAVE YOU, YOU ALMOST NUDIST!"
[i]Pan laughs at the outburst.[/i] [b]Pan:[/b] "You can't! I'm a dead man walking!"
*Elvis "You aren't even a man! I'm the crazy one around here! Something's wrong... What is the chaos energy?!"
[i]Pan shrugs.[/i] "It's an energy I manipulate to do the things I do."
*Elvis "It's driving you crazy, isn't it?!"
[i]Pan nods.[/i] "Yep! I'm losing all mental stability!"
*Elvis "How do I stop it?! How does it work!?"
"It can't be stopped, silly! It can be slowed down if I don't use my powers...but that's boring!"
*Elvis "Don't use your powers! Magic is boring anyway! Everyone here uses magic!"
[i]Pan shakes her head.[/i] "It's not magic! It's chaos energy!"
*Elvis "Everyone uses energy of some sort too!!! Even that blue dog Guy's brother! It's boring, Pan!"
"Chaos energy is not boring! It lets me do whatever I want!"
*Elvis "If you can do whatever you want then nothing is hard. If nothing is hard then everything is boring!*
[i]Pan sighs.[/i] "Well of course I can't do [u]anything[/u]. There are challenges."
*Elvis "Still! There's no point! Do stuff by hand!"
[i]Pan pouts.[/i] "No."
*Elvis "YESSSSS!" *It comes out almost as a hiss. Elvis seriously does not want Pan using this energy.*
[i]Pan shakes her head.[/i] "You can't make me!"
*Elvis "I'm you're sister and I'm already crazy! You need to trust me, sis!"
[i]Pan stays stubborn.[/i] "You're my sister and sisters don't have athuarity over other sisters unless a parent says they do."
*She grabs Pan's hand and wander's off.* "DAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!"
[i]Pan gets angry.[/i] "Elvis! Stop it!"
[spoiler]I might continue this in another post for ASAP and Elvis will run back when she gets her answer.[/spoiler] *Elvis let's go and runs off in search of Grant.*